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You were my safety net. I never craved the comfort of someone's arms until I entered yours. You are my drug my dear. No matter how long I go without you I still crave the warm caress of your skin. I miss your voice and I hate the way it echos in my head. I miss the feeling of your lips on mine and I miss the way you made me feel inside. You were my safety net and yet you didn't keep me safe. You grew distant your voice changed when speaking to me. I thought you felt the same for me, I let you kiss me and touch me. I let you roam your hands freely and never wonder what pain you could inflict. I still wonder about that now but your hands weren't what I should've been worried about. For my dear, you sweet voice of honey turned to a voice of icy shards of glass. You sounded like you were made of honey but you are made of glass. Even though you've hurt me so I still carve the caress of your pliant lips upon mine. You were my net my love.

[196 words long]

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