Part 7

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I was making my bag because I was spending the night at Kelly's. I felt a little bit awkward after I kissed the Grand Guignol so I decided to go to her.

The Grand Guignol came and knocked at my door. I immediately closed my bag because I didn't want him to see what I packed. He would probably make a joke about my underwear. He came in and sat on the bed.

"So you are leaving. Am I a bad kisser or something?" he said.

"Can we just pretend that the kiss never happened?" I said.

"You can pretend that it didn't happen, but I will never forget it." he said. I didn't know what to say so I just started into his eyes. "Why don't you stay here?"

"I already made plans with Kelly." I said and I started walking to the door. I kind of wish that I could spend the night here, but Kelly is waiting for me.

Right after I thought that I got a message from Kelly:

"Sorry, but my parents want me to help them clean the house. Maybe you can come over another day?"

"Well I'm not leaving anymore." I said and I put my bag on the bed.

"So you are staying here?" the Grand Guignol asked.

"Yes." I said. I sat on the bed right next to him.

"Why don't we spend the night?" he said.


"Come on! It's going to be fun! What do you usually do when you go to Kelly's house?" he asked.

"We watch movies, watch youtube videos and talk about cute guys." I said.

"I can do that!" the Grand Guignol said and then he paused. "Do you guys talk about me?" he asked.

"I said cute guys. You're not included." I said. He smiled.

"Ok I'm going to get some snacks and you are going to make a tent out of bedsheets." he said.

"Can't I get the snack and you make the tent?" I asked. The Grand Guignol thought for a second and then said:

"That's a great idea." he said. "Now go outside and don't come in until I let you."

I went to the store and bought some snacks. When I came back the door was locked.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"If the door is locked that means that I'm not done!" he shouted.

I waited for five more minutes and then I knocked on the door.

"One minute!" he said.

After exactly forty six minutes he opened the door. When I entered my room I saw a big tent made out of bedsheets and a lot of lights around it.

"It's beautiful." I said. I haven't seen a lot of tents made out of bedsheets, but this one is definitely the best one I've ever seen.

"Ok now go and change. I got matching pijamas!" he said. He gave me a pink pijama. I went into the bathroom to change. I realised that the pijama was shaped like a unicorn. I went back and he was dressed in a pijama exactly like mine. "We look great!" he was smiling. I like when he smiles.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We can play truth or dare or we can watch a movie."he said.

"Truth or dare sounds interesting." I said.

"Ok then! y/n truth or dare?"

"Truth!" I said.

"Is it true that you like Harry Styles?" he said. He started laughing.

"Everyone likes him!" I said. We both started laughing and after a few seconds we stopped. "Truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you suck at making jokes?" I said.

"No! y/n you laugh at every joke of mine! If I make bad jokes then you have a horrible taste of humour!" he said. He was right. I do laugh at every joke of his.
"Truth or dare?"


"Let me see." he said. He was looking at the T.V for two seconds and then he looked right into my eyes. "I dare you to be my girlfriend." he whispered.

"Let's watch a movie." I said trying to change the subject.

"It's a dare and you can't say no to a dare!" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, but just for a week." I said.


After that we watched a horror movie. I wasn't scared. I can't say the same about the Grand Guignol. He was shaking! We had to stop the movie three times so that he would calm down.

"Have you watched  The Notebook?" he asked.


"Do you want to watch it?"

"Sure." I said.

He started the movie.

I felt quite sleepy. I tried not to fall asleep, but I couldn't.  In the middle of the movie I fall asleep. My head was on the Grand Guignol's chest. My eyes were closed. I could feel the Grand Guignol's heartbeat. I could feel his hand playing with my hair.
He started humming. At one point I opened my eyes and said:

"I love you."

and then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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