Part 10

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I was relieved. The Grand Guignol didn't see me... well that's what I thought. He opened the doors again.

"I can't see you, but I can smell your fear." he said. I didn't say a word. My heart was beating so fast. I stopped being invisible. I was looking down. I didn't have enough courage to look him in the face. He took my hand and we started walking.

"I'm sorry..." I said. The Grand Guignol didn't even looked at me. He locked me in the room again, but this time he put a toadie to look after me.

"If you're hungry or thirsty you have food and water on the table." he said. Then he looked into my eyes and he kissed me. "I want you to know that I love you no matter what." he said after he kissed me. Then he kissed my forehead and left.

Now I'm alone and scared for him. I tried to convince the toadie to let me out, but he wouldn't let me. If I tried to run he would either call the Grand Guignol or catch me. I was hopeless.

I got thirsty so I went and drank a glass of water. It tasted very weird. Then I played some video games, but not for long. I started to feel tired and I fell asleep.

I woke up and I heard some screams coming from the room with the chambers. I immediately kicked the door and ran there. I saw Kelly. The Grand Guignol was holding something in his hand, but I couldn't see what. I saw Kelly trying to do the Monster Punch. Then I realised that the Grand Guignol was holding the Anger Fire.

"KELLY, NO!" I yelled. I started running towards them. I tried to save the Grand Guignol. I jumped in front of the Grand Guignol, but I didn't save him.....
Kelly hit him right after. "NO!" I yelled. I ran towards him.

"You can't leave me here, alone. Do you hear me? I can't stay without you! And I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you this earlier........but I really love you. Please don't leave me......" I said. Tears were coming from my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I was hopeless again.

"I love you too. I would tell you everything that I feel about you, but I don't really have time. Just know that I love and I will always be by your side. Ok?" he said. Then he disappeared. My heart was broken.

I yelled. I yelled because I was mad and sad at the same time. The chambers broke and all the nightmares were out. They went in the city. If the Grand Guignol couldn't finish his plan then I will

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