Part 2

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I enter the apartment. It looked weird. The walls were scratched.

"Mom?" I said. Nobody answered. I panicked. "MOM!" I yelled.

I ran to my room just to see the Grand Guignol looking in my wardrobe.

"Can you not?" I said. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to go straight to the nightmare nursery?" he really thought that I was going to go back?

"Listen, I'm not going anywhere with you. Leave or I'll call the police!" he started laughing.

"Oh you are. Halloween is coming and I have a special way to celebrate it." he said.

I thought that I am in danger so I started running. A very long hand caught me. I'm pretty sure that he is not just a drug addict. I think he tells the truth about being the Grand Guignol.

"Don't try to run...please..." he said. Wow he wasn't sarcastic or anything. I still hate him, but maybe not as much as the first time we met.

"Ok. I'll help you.....but why do I have to help you?" I asked.

"Ugh. My sister thinks that you have something special, something that nobody has. You have the Gift of Dreams, y/n l/n. But it's different. It's more powerful than everyone else's. I honestly think that she is wrong, but if my sister says so." the Grand Guignol said. He has a sister. He wants to make her proud and I suppose that he will do everything to make her proud. "And if you tell anything to that stupid best friend of yours, I will kill her. Let's go."

"What about my mom? I can't leave her here, alone." I said. I don't want to leave my mom here.....after everything she did for me....

"The toadies will take care of her." he said.

I am again in the nightmare nursery. The Grand Guignol told me to wait for him there. He said that he is going to explain some things to me. I am looking around the room. The walls are bright blue and there are teddy bears everywhere.

I pick one up. It's a small bright brown teddy bear. It is holding a heart. The words "I love you" are written on it.

"Don't touch it!" a voice said. I turned around and dropped the teddy bear and turned around. The Grand Guignol was standing next to the bed.

"You scared me." I said. He rolled his green eyes

"First of all let's talk about the way you look." he said.

"What's wrong with the way I look?" I said. I honestly felt embarrassed, but I don't know why. It's not like I care about what this dude thinks about me.

"I don't like it." the Grand Guignol said. Wow that is a very nice thing to say to a girl.

I wish I could tell her the truth. I think she is pretty.

A voice said. It sounded like the Grand Guignol, but he didn't moved his lips.

"Thanks!" I said. The Grand Guignol looked shocked. Did I said something wrong?

"How did you?" he said then he paused. "You can't do that? But what if......."

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