Part 11

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"Y/n, I'm so sorry, but I-" Kelly began to speak, but I really didn't want to hear her voice.

"Why don't you just get lost?" I said. Kelly looked confused. I don't know why. I told her about the Grand Guignol.

"You know that he is a monster right? Y/n, he steals children! I did this for the other kids and for you!" I got so pissed. I just left the room.

I started running outside. I don't know where I wanted to go, but my mind was at the place where me and the Grand Guignol had our picnic. Suddenly, fog started coming from nowhere. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I woke up next to the tree.

It was dark. I sat down and looked at the sky. Tears were still coming from my eyes. I remembered the time when the Grand Guignol told me about the falling stars. We were in the house in the middle of the night looking at the sky. He said that every time you see one it means that a soul left the Earth.

Serena came. She seemed a little bit sad. I mean her brother just died...

"He's gone!" I said. My voice cracked as I said the words. Serena looked at me. She had tears in her eyes.

"I know. We are all going to miss him." she said. She tried to hug me, but I could tell that she had never hugged anyone before. "I came here to give you this. The Grand Guignol thought that this might happen. This is for you." Serena said. She gave me a big box then she left.

I opened the box. The first thing I saw was a letter. It didn't have my name on it.

"To My Little Monster"

This is what it was written on it. I tried to handle my tears before running the letter. I opened it. There was a poem:

"I know that now you are alone
And that now it's just you on the throne,
But I want you to remember
That everything will get better.

I will never forget you
Even if you find someone new.
I will never stop loving you
Thought my heart will start getting blue."

I couldn't handle myself anymore and I started crying again. There was also a text below the poem.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for leaving too soon. Maybe if I listened to you we would still be together. I am also sorry for the horrible poem that I wrote, but I want you to know that I meant every single word that I wrote there.
Well I guess it's goodbye for now..... I love you and I'll see you soon! Oh, but not too soon, ok?"

His sense of humour is still there. I left the letter on the ground and I looked on the box. There were my favourite chocolates, some of his favourite songs and books. There is also the movie that we planned to watch together. I suppose that now I have to watch it on my own...... There is also his perfume so that I can always smell like him. And there is his favourite hoodie.

I put the hoodie on and i looked at the sky again. I started to cry even harder, but not because of what he gave me. I looked at the sky I saw a falling star. I like to believe that it was the Grand Guignol leaving the Earth.

"My falling star" I whispered.

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