Part 5

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I have heard his name before. A few years ago a boy was stolen and nobody knew what happened to him. I gave a strange look at the Grand Guignol.

"Nice to meet you!" I say.

"Nice to meet you too!" Kevin said. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I feel like something is very weird about this guy.

"So did you tell her about your plan?" Serena asked the Grand Guignol.

"Not yet. I was trying to find a good moment to tell her." the Grand Guignol said. Serena stood up and almost slapped the Grand Guignol.

"Halloween is in three weeks! When were you planning to tell her?!" she said. She looked at me and then sat down. "Sorry..." she said then she paused.

"On Halloween night I want to rule the world with my army of nightmares and you are going to help me." the Grand Guignol said.

"I am not going to-" I stopped. I looked at Serena. She was angry. "Fine!"  I said.

The rest of the dinner was very silent. Nobody dared to talk after that.

After dinner I went into my room. I tried to make my hair look better, but it didn't work. I changed into my pijamas and before I could go to bed the Grand Guignol came in.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I asked.

"What? I was disturbing something?" he said. "I wanted to thank you."

"For what? For saving your ass at the meeting?" I asked. The Grand Guignol looked at me and then he looked away. He is ashamed.

"Tomorrow you are not going to school."

"Ok." I said. "Should I ask why?"

"I want to show you something." the Grand Guignol said. After that he left.

The Grand Guignol woke me up at six. If I don't go to school why should I wake up earlier? I got dressed as fast as I could. The Grand Guignol couldn't wait to show me whatever he wants to show me.

I went in the hall where the chambers are. The Grand Guignol was waiting for me there.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Depends." I said. He smiled and then took my hand. Everything started to be foggy and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was on a big field. Even though it's autumn the grass was green. There was a big tree. The tree's leaves were green as well. There was a picnic under the tree. "What is this?"

"Well I thought that if we need to work together we should know each other better." the Grand Guignol said.

"Look. When that stupid thing with the Halloween ends I am leaving so whatever is in your mind it won't happen." I said. The Grand Guignol looked said. Great! Now I feel bad. "I'm sorry-"

"Forget it." he said. "Do you want to have a picnic or should we go home?" the Grand Guignol asked me.

"We can have a picnic, but that's all!" I said. He smiled. He took my arm and ran to the picnic.

"And by the way I don't like you. I just thought that it would be nice to talk." he said.

"Sure." I said and then we both started laughing. I wonder what's in his mind right now.

God she is so pretty when she smiles.

I suddenly stopped laughing. The Grand Guignol looked at me in a very weird way.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said. "So you're a human or a monster?" I asked. I was trying to change the subject.

"I'm half human half rockstar." he said. I started laughing again. "I'm serious! Do you want to hear me sing at the guitar?" he asked.

"Ok!" I said. He want behind the tree and got a guitar. It was an electric guitar. He started playing it. He isn't bad, but the electric guitar is not really my favourite instrument.

"Do you like it?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you want to play?"

"I prefer the classic  guitar." I said.

"I have one up there." the Grand Guignol said and he pointed at the tree. There was a house in the tree. I couldn't see it because of the leaves. He started climbing the tree.

"Be careful!" I yelled.

"What?" he said. He looked down at me and lost the balance. He was falling. He is going to get hurt!  I don't want him to get hurt.

He suddenly started to float. He wasn't floating, but he was falling slowly. He landed safely.

"Thanks!" he said.

"I didn't do anything." I said.

"It's your Gift of Dreams! I suppose you didn't want me to get hurt. I guess you care about me." he said and then he smirked.

"Oh shut up!" I said.

"Do you want me to climb the tree again?"

"No!" I said.

"So ,y/n l/n, what is your favourite food?l the Grand Guignol asked me.

"I like chinese food. What about you?"  I asked.

"Probably pizza." he said. I started laughing. "What's so funny about pizza?"

"That's so lame. Everyone says pizza!" I said.

"Because it's delicious!" he said.

"What's your favourite place?" I asked. The Grand Guignol looked at me for a second then he said:

"Right now this is my favourite place."

"Ok stop being so sentimental. You're making me feel bad!" I said.

"Why? I'm telling you that truth!"

"Because I'm going to leave and you'll be all alone." I said. Suddenly we both stopped smiling.

"Then don't leave."

"I can't....." I said. I don't want to leave him, but I can't stay here. "It's late. We should leave."

"Yes...." the Grand Guignol said. He took my hand. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in my room.

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