Part 12

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I spent the next three days crying in my bed. Sometimes my mom would come into my room. Serena took care of the nightmares, even though it she wasn't supposed to.

Kelly tried to call me like one hundred times, but I never responded. I didn't even let her a text. She has no business talking to me.

I didn't go to school on Monday. Serena visited me. She said that she will give me and my mom a new room in her castle. At first I didn't want to go, but then I realised that it might be a good idea.

"This is your room." Serena said. "It was the Grand Guignol's before he moved out. If you want another one you can tell me."

"No, it's fine." I said. Serena left the room. I sat on the bed. It was a small bed. The walls were full of posters of horror films and other scary stuff. I closed my eyes.

"Why did you have to leave me?" I whispered.

"I never left, y/n." a voice said. I suddenly opened my eyes. The Grand Guignol was in front of my bed.

"Oh my God! Wha-? How-? You're alive?" I said. I was so excited and kind of scared at the same time.

"I'm not unfortunately, but your Gift of Dreams is so powerful that you can bring my spirit or something like that." he said. I hugged him. It was one of the best hugs I have ever received.

"So you're basically going to stay near me every second except for when I go to the bathroom?"

"That's correct!"

"Can other people see you!" I asked.

"No, if other people could see me that would mean that I'm alive." he said. That kind of made me feel special.

"Dinner is ready in ten minutes." Serena came into the room.  "Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yes, I was just admiring the room." I said.

"I know the room is horrible. The Grand Guignol didn't really have a good taste in decorating rooms." she said then she left the room.

"Well that was mean." the Grand Guignol said.

I was at the table waiting for the food. It was me, Serena and Kevin. There was an empty seat, I suppose that there used to sit the Grand Guignol. I could see him sitting in that chair, but nobody else could.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for your loss." Kevin said. He was sitting right next to me.

"It's ok." I said then I looked at the Grand Guignol.

"Well I don't know if we should let you on your own so for the next task you and Kevin will-" Serena began to speak.

"The Grand Guignol trained me. I know about the whole plan and everything." I said.

Serena and Kevin didn't look very convinced, but I could see that the Grand Guignol was proud.

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