Part 1

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A/n: I want to say that this is not my original idea. This is nessicrocker123    idea. I hope you guys like it!

"Y/n..... Y/n!" a voice said. It sounded like my mom's voice. "Y/n, you are going to be late for school!" I opened my eyes slowly and I saw a monster in front of me. He had some big green lizard eyes and scars all over his face. The monster was tall. I wasn't in my room. The room was blue and it had toys everywhere.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't know who I am?" the monster asked. He looked surprised. "I am the Grand Guignol and you , y/n   l/n, are going to be my friend!" he said. Me? His friend? No way! I'm not going to be friends with this dude!

"Where am I?" he rolled his eyes.

"Ugh why do you put so many questions? This is my nightmare nursery." the Grand Guignol said. Nightmare nursery? And what the hell is this supposed to mean?

"From all the people in the world you chose me? Look, I have homework and exams so can I just go home?" the Grand Guignol looks annoyed.

"You see, y/n, you have something special.....something that other people don't have. You have the Gift of Dreams" he said. Did he take some drugs earlier or something?

"Well whatever. I need to go to school so can I please go?" I asked.

"Sure! Go to that stupid school, but you will come back here. Understood?" I rolled my eyes, got out of bed and left the room.

"And you didn't do anything about that?" this is Kelly Ferguson, my best friend. The kids at school call her the Monster Girl.

"No, I bet he is just a drug addict. It's not the first time I have to deal with one of them. Besides what is he gonna do? Steal me again?" I said and then I laughed. Kelly is a nice girl, but she worries from everything.

"Just be careful..... Ok, y/n?" I nodded.

My first class is math. I sit behind Kelly. She is very good at math, I'm not. I'm not good at anything about math, english, chemistry or things about school. My mom tells me that I sing and draw pretty good.

My father left when I was one year old and he came back when I was six...then he left again when I was eight. Since then it's just me and mom in our little apartment, but I usually stay at Kelly's.

Don't get me wrong. I love mom! She is my hero! It just feels weird when I go home.

"Do you want to go to the park after school?" Kelly asked. She loves nature.

"Sure!" I said. I don't really like nature, but I like to spend time with Kelly.

We go in the park and sit on a bench. There are leaves falling from the trees. The ground is red and yellow. It's not cold outside.

"How do you do it?" I asked.

"What?" Kelly said.

"How do you make school to looks so easy." I said. Kelly is looking at me. I can tell that she is worried about me. I am worried about me too.

"I don't know. I guess that I just like school." she said.

"Then how do you like it? With all the kids calling you the Monster Girl and all." she looked at the ground.

"I don't like everything about it."

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"It's fine... I'll just go for a walk. Are you coming?" Kelly said.

"I'll wait here." she got up and left. I am alone on the bench.

Suddenly I see fog coming from under the bench. I turn around and the dude that kidnapped me is in my back.

"What the hell man?" I said. He started laughing.

"Y/n   l/n, you really thought that you can escape from me?" he said. "If you did then you're wrong."

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked. God I don't suffer this guy and I talked to him just for two minutes!

"What are you doing here? We need to show you the toadies!"

"What's a toadie? Are those you're girlfriends?" I said. I smirked and the Grand Guignol rolled his eyes.

"Just come!" he said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. And we are never going to be friends so get lost!" I said then left. He didn't came after me. I took my phone and called Kelly. I don't know where she is and I need to find her.

"I finally found you!" I said. Kelly was looking at Victor Colletti aka her crush. He was sitting on a bench alone. "What are you waiting for? Go to him!" I said.

"Are you crazy?! I can't talk to him! I don't know what to tell him!" I rolled my eyes.

"Kelly Ferguson, you are the smartest girl I have ever met and you can't talk to a guy?" I said. She looked scared. She always gets scared when she is near Victor. "What if I go to him?" I ask.

"You would do this for me?"

"Of course! You're my best friend!" I smiled, so did Kelly.

I walked to Victor. I don't know if he knows who I am, but I don't care. He noticed me.

"Hi, y/n!" he said. I guess he knows who I am after all.

"Hi, Victor! So I know a very cool and funny girl that would love to hang around with you. You know my friend Kelly, right?" I said and then I waved to Kelly. Her face went red. She came to me and Victor and said hi. "I'll leave you guys alone." I said and then I left.

Great! Now I need to go home. I don't like this idea, but my mom needs me to be home before four so I guess I need to hurry.

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