The Ring

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"I guess now's a good time to talk." Noah sighed, sitting next to Dixie on the couch of their condo. They had shared breakfast with Bryce and Addison before returning back home. Noah was dreading yet anticipating this time to open up to her about all that he's been feeling. Noah always struggled with opening up to girlfriends or anyone for that matter. He enjoyed helping others yet not the other way around no matter how detrimental it could be to himself.

"I'm sorry about last night. I... I was tired and overwhelmed." He said, ashamed of himself for treating Dixie in an uncalled for manner. She nodded, "it's okay. But can you tell me why? Tell me why you're overwhelmed." Her hand cupped his cheek, rubbing his soft cheek with the pad of her thumb as a sense of comfort that was quickly putting him at ease. "I've been... working out a lot. A lot more than I should. I'm tired all the damn time. I don't rest enough." He held back his tears. He knew he was going to breakdown regardless but he wanted to hold back for as long as he could. "Baby, why are you doing that to yourself?" She asked softly, forcing his eyes to meet with hers. "I just... I want to look the best I can."

"There's safer ways to do that, love. You think not eating and working out is going to get you anywhere? Look at you, babe. You're tired and you're unhappy. It's not just all about the looks." He knew he needed to hear it. He just didn't know it would be so hard to register. She was being open and blunt with him and he appreciated that. He didn't want her to sugarcoat anything with him. He deserved to hear this—it's what he needed to help him. "I couldn't help it." A tear fell from his eye but Dixie had wiped it away and brought his head to her chest where he cried into it, begging for her forgiveness as she shushed him multiple times, letting his head now rest on her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Its so hard, Dix. This... modelling is tough. It's scary." He admitted to her and she nodded understandably. She knew this all too well. "I know it is. But you need to stop comparing yourself to others. Look where you ended up... you were starving yourself. You weren't safe. I don't want to lose you. I can't... so please, listen to me."

"You're not going to lose me. I... I'm gonna do better. I hated being so distant and you have every right to be mad and I'm sorry-"

"Shh," she stopped him. "Don't apologize. It's okay. You were hurting. Can you tell me one thing though?"

He nodded, looking up at her from her lap.

"Do you trust me?" He nodded eagerly, "with everything I have." He assured her. "Good. I trust you too. You can talk to me. I don't care if it's three in the morning or if I'm working, I want you to talk to me. It's the only way we're going to work."

"I know. We're going to work." He sat up, leaning his forehead against hers. "I love you, bub. I'm sorry if it hadn't felt that way recently." He whispered, a kiss apart from her lips. "I love you too."

They shared a searing kiss and held one another for awhile. Their relationship has been tested endless amounts of times and thinking of it now, Noah realized just how strong his relationship with her had become. He noticed how serious things were and how grateful he was to have found someone so right for him. He found someone that makes his heart warm when it's cold as ice. Someone who can understand him and his worries. She was someone that didn't judge him too quickly, if at all. She was the only person that he could stare at and get lost in—forgetting everything else as the world melts away when their eyes meet. She was his person and it made him uneasy knowing that there was so many chances for them to break apart—leaving one another alone and never coming back. But that wasn't them. They fought for their relationship. It was easy for them to love another but it was hard to keep perfect. The both of them grew to accept that.

Dixie pulled away from him with a goofy grin plastered on her face, "let's make lunch."

He nodded, his stomach growling at just the perfect moment. The two of them shared a laugh and it felt nice to be able to do this. It was moments like these that made it all worth it. The moments where they'd catch themselves laughing at the stupidest joke—where the two of them would blast their favourite songs and dance around the kitchen while they cooked. The copious amounts of food they had almost burned due to their minds that strayed away from the kitchen and instead on just one another and the beauty standing before them. They treasured the moments where they'd sit peacefully beside each other and enjoy their lunch and then splurging on ice cream while bing watching a show Dixie would usually pick out. They adored the times which was more often than not where they'd share the shower and let themselves be intimate and fall deeper in love with one another because that's what their hearts were meant to do. Their hearts were meant to mend relationships, love each other, and seek happiness.

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