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In this chapter we will be discussing manifesting and how to get what you want in life!!

What is manifesting?

Essentially, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it, it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. ... via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.

What are your goals?

While everyone approaches manifestation differently, first, and perhaps most importantly, you need to know exactly what you want. You are the only one who dreams your dreams, so know it and own it. Whatever you desire, though, one thing is essential: Make your intention as specific as possible. The more clear and concise, the better, instead of, for example, saying "I want to meet my soulmate," develop a detailed picture of what that person would look like (think: qualities, characteristics, values, etc.)

Asking for what you want..

Once you've pinpointed exactly what your hopes, dreams, and goals are, you need to ask the universe for what you want. This can be done in a variety of ways: prayer, meditation, visualisation, speaking your intentions out loud, a and/or a "future box," which is a container full of pictures of items you want to manifest, but you need to say exactly what you want.

You can also write your intention down on paper. If you've spent any time on TikTok, you might be familiar with in which you write down what you want in the following order: 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night for 33 or 45 days, but it can also be as simple as a letter to the universe. There are so many ways to ask the universe for what you want, look through the different ways you can do it and pick out a way that makes the most sense to you. 

Start working towards your goals..

Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it's a collaboration between you and the Universe, which is exactly why knowing what you want is only half the battle, you will not see any results without action. Set aside a bit of time to think about what steps you can take to reach your goals yourself, then build them into . For example, if you want to make a major career change, start networking with people in your new field and practise for a job interview.

Another way to be 'in action' when manifesting is to ask yourself the question, 'What would my future self be thinking?'" The reason? Reframing your mind can (and will) enable you to be successful. Being' the person who already has, does, and feels your goals, dreams, and desires helps you become that person. 

Take some time to be thankful..

While you may not get everything you envision in the order and time frame you want, you should receive and acknowledge what you do get, no matter how big or small it may be. Gratitude is key. 

To do this, consider creating . Before bed, spend five to ten minutes writing down a few things for which you are grateful, as well as anything that happened that day to bring you closer to whatever it is your trying to manifest. 

Let go of limiting beliefs..

In addition to changing your mindset and behaviors, you will need to remove any obstacles or limiting beliefs which may cloud your vision, including fear and negative self-talk. "Telling yourself you're not good enough, you're not worthy enough, you're not smart enough, you're not enough, it's a tape that's playing for a lot of people". If you're not conscious of that, then you end up acting out of that belief system and not what you know to be the truest or want to be the truest for yourself. You don't become what you want because so much of wanting is about living in the space of what you don't have.

To move past your limiting beliefs, it's essential that you first identify what exactly they are. To do this, ask yourself: What are the beliefs I have about myself that may be inhibiting my progress? "Write down your answers,". Cross out the limiting beliefs and write your new affirmations in their place. Jot down your answers, and then replace any negative feelings with positive ones. If your limiting belief is 'I am incomplete without a man,' reverse it with 'I am complete as I am.' If your limiting belief is 'I'm not good enough,' reverse it with 'I am wonderful as I am today.'

To take it a step further, the next time you find yourself questioning your worth or saying "I don't deserve this," pause and think of all the reasons why you are deserving. 

Check and change your energy..

 Energy is everything. The energy we put out in the world is the energy we get back. Which means if you are continually sending out negative energy, either through your thoughts or feelings, you will attract that same energy back to you. On the flip side, though, if you are able shift your energy (a practice sometimes referred to as raising your vibrations), you'll also attract , which will help you realize your goals.

Lucky for you, lifting your energy is actually quite simple: Just focus on activities that cultivate and, whether that's doing something kind for someone else (helping a friend or family member, donating to a meaningful organisation, volunteering), starting each morning with or , spending some time in nature, or even treating yourself to some well-deserved self-care.

Trust the process..

The process is fluid. The steps you take do not matter as much as your belief, so "trust your actions, visions, and clarity as well as the 'powers that be'. Faith is a powerful motivator and guiding force.

Fastest way to manifest.. 

If you see it and feel it, you will achieve it. The easiest way to manifest anything is to be clear about what you want. Don't give the universe mixed signals... and take action. Working toward your goals is imperative. You should also remain receptive. 

Ask the universe for what you want and keep an eye out for signs of achievement or success. The only thing stopping you from manifesting your dreams is you. What you can visualize in your mind, you can hold in your hands. So get to work! You have manifesting to do!

How I personally manifest..

The method I chose to manifest is quite simple. I picked out a journal that I felt drawn to and set the intention that anything I write in this journal will come true. Whenever I feel like it I take some time to write a page or more in the journal. I write my wishes and goals as if they have already happened and I am thanking the universe for them. For example, If i want to blessed with £100 in this upcoming week I will write, "I feel so lucky to have received £100 this week". By writing my manifestations out this way I am speaking them into existence and rather than wishing and hoping I am stating that there is no doubt that they wont happen. When manifesting try to not use words that will block your manifestations such as, I wish, I hope, I want. Take time to be grateful and use positive words throughout. I like to put on some happy music of a affirmation podcast to bring my vibrations higher. If you have some crystals it would be good to keep them close to you whilst you're writing too! 

Some don'ts..

- don't believe those 'manifesting for my followers' tiktoks, they wont work because you're not putting your energy into it. Take some time to manifest for yourself instead of relying on others to do the hard work.

- keep the positive attitude even after you've finished writing. Don't let any negative thoughts block your manifestations from coming true.

- There's no rules to manifesting so don't feel pressure about whether you're doing it right or not. If it feels right to you and you have faith in your method then you will be fine!

Good Luck! <3

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