2021 goals updated

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So its nearing the end of the 2021 so I thought what better way to close off the year than with an update on my 2021 goals!

1. Pass my driving test:

Unfortunately I haven't passed my driving test yet but I'm closer! Covid didn't help this as there was a long time where we weren't allowed to have driving lessons or even go out practising with our parents. To make things worse my theory run out too! So a couple weeks ago I took my theory test again and passed :) I have a new driving instructor and im really enjoying my lessons. I'm currently waiting to book a test as the wait is so long to get one. I'm keeping a look out of cancellations. Any fellow uk learner drivers you know my pain.  It's going to happen soon though!!

UPDATE- I passed my driving test hehe I'm so happy, learning to drive has been the biggest stress for me for the past like 3 years so it's so good that now i never have to worry about it again and have the freedom to go wherever i want :))

2. Work on my small business

I have been working on my etsy and its been going really well. Ive had lots of sales and most of my sales are to places all over the world outside of the UK. I've had lots of positive reviews on my products. I've really enjoyed being creative and making things for other people. It's going well!

3. Record 1 second every day

I have done this and I haven't missed a single day which i'm so proud of. I can't wait to see the final result and look back on all the memories i've made and see how much i've grown.

4. Get a job

I got a job! I work in a restaurant in a castle. Its good pay and ive made some good friends there. Its hard work and very tiring but I have learnt so many skills from working there and its given me a good amount of money to go towards getting my own place. 

5. Travel more

This was just impossible with Covid which is so sad. I really wanted to go on holiday this year which we had planned to go abroad but sadly that was cancelled. I'm hoping next year will be better and i'll be able to get on a plane and fly away somewhere. I still dream of being able to see all over the world and I hope that will happen sooner rather than later. 

6. work out every other day

Okay I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this goal haha. This was very unrealistic. I don't workout very often at all.

7. be me unapologetically 

I feel like i've stayed true to myself and have done this too. I have lived this year without hiding who I am, i've been authentically myself and i'm proud of that. 


Looking back on the goals I set for 2021 I'm quite proud that I managed to complete or somewhat complete the majority of them, apart from the unrealistic ones haha. Stay tuned for my goals of 2022 I will be doing that soon. Comment down below whether you achieved your 2021 goals!

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