how to feel less shitty.

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I'm kind of feeling at a low right now with the recent news of X's death. It has affected me badly but I'm focusing on how he didn't want us to ever be sad. He wanted us to turn it into something positive and make a difference in the world and that's what I want to try and do. If I can make at least one of you guys feel happy then I ma doing something right.

Here are some things you can do if you're feeling shitty and need a boost:

* stand up and stretch, take your time

* plug in and charge your phone and laptop

* change your clothes and underwear

* wash your face and clean your teeth

* drink a whole glass of water

* chew gum or have something to eat

* go to the toilet

* adress your pains, have some pain killers if you aren't feeling well

* catch up on some social things. Reply to people, post a picture, comment and like things. Talk to people.

* make a doctors appointment if you think you need one

* freshen your bed. Brush all the crumbs and bits out, shake your duvet, plump your pillows. There's no point in lying in a uncomfy bed.

* pick up and tidy your room, make it less cluttered so you can get more things done

* i've you've been staring at a screen for hours try reading or listening to a podcast. Do some art and listen to music.

* open your windows

* Spray something nice or light a candle

* do your skincare routine and relax

* unfollow people on instagram who's posts dont make you happy or are negative

* listen or watch something heart warming and inspirational

* go to my fan account wheezedolan for a highlighted story on videos to make you happy

Remember to tell yourself this doesn't last forever and you're only waiting for you next high moment and good thing. Think positively!

Message me if you need to talk about anything :)

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