2022 goals

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(I forgot i had this in my drafts so have it half way through the year hehe)

1. Put me first

Every year I set myself this goal and always struggle to stick to it because I'm naturally a people pleaser and really find it hard to say no to people or let people down, put me first etc. I really need to do it though. Last year I slowly broke my habit and started to put myself first more but I feel like I still have such a long way to go with it and of course its not something i do once and thats it the goal is completed, its forever and always! I don't mean putting myself first in selfish ways of course I just mean ensuring that I make decisions that benefit me and don't put me at risk or will cause me any harm, also cutting people out my life who don't contribute in a positive way, thats so important!

2. Get back into reading

I read so much beginning of last year and bought a stupid amount of books but since i stayed my job ive found it really hard to find the energy to read which sounds so dramatic but its true. I have a fat stack of books waiting to be read so the plan is to get through all those and try not to buy anymore books because I have a habit of buying them and never reading them. I think the big pile of books is also causing me to procrastinate reading too. 

3. Visit lots of new places

Last year I went absolutely no where because of covid and all the restrictions and by the time there was no restrictions i was working all the time so really didnt get the chance to. I did go to liverpool on a girls trip and went away to birmingham a few times but what I'm craving is new places! I want to see some new things, travel new roads and experience new locations. It's so fun going somewhere new and exploring it and now that me and the guy I'm seeing can both drive it means we have endless possibilities. Me and my family are going to London too next month and plan on booking a holiday so I should be able to complete this goal! 

4. Swim in the sea

I love the ocean and swimming in the sea is never really something I get to do. I did it a couple years back and its the most freeing experience it instantly calmed me so I want to feel that again. I am determined to swim in the sea even if it is in cold wet wales. 

5. Break free from toxic people

I feel like at the moment i have a few toxic people in my life that i just keep making excuses for and trying to find reasons to keep them in my life and excuse their bad behaviour. I struggle to see that sometimes people just are bad people and they'll never change! so i really need to get better and realising they've shown they aren't worthy to be in my life and let go of them!

6. Look for new jobs

Recently ive been feeling my mood decline in my current job and I'm starting to feel like i may be growing out of it. I do enjoy the job and the people i work with but theres some things about it i don't know if ill be able to put up with for much longer so this goal is to start looking for new jobs and think about what careers id like to go into in the near future. 

7. Use an old camera to capture the year

I feel like old cameras are just a super cute way to capture life and I have a few already in my possession that i think would be fun to carry around with me this year and capture the memories i make with friends and family. 

8. Glow up

I need a glow up mentally and physically. Sometimes i struggle to look after myself and i lose my glow so i really want to keep on top of it this year and make sure i remember to take care of things like my hair, skin and nails and also the mental and health side so like eating healthy and taking time to meditate, educate myself and relax. 

9. Save more money

I've always been pretty good at saving money but as i get older i want to start increasing the amount of money that I'm saving because soon enough ill be needing it for things such as a house or more holidays. Ideally i want to put half my monthly earnings into my savings account. If i can't do that every month i wont beat myself up about it ill just make up for it the next month. 

10. Find my style 

My fashion has always been over the place and i feel like i never fully know what kind of style i want to have which is fine but its also costing me far too much haha. I want to try and find a style that suits me and then start to build a capsule wardrobe. Learning what suits my body and what doesn't is pretty important and i also think this will help with things like confidence. 

-- Thats all my 2022 goals i will check back in at the end of the year to see how i got on :)-- 

Comment down below any goals you have for this year!

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