Chapter 8

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Annoying A/N: could you please vote for this chapter if you're reading? I just want to know (or have a general idea) of how many people read this. thanks!

The lunch bell rings, ending the reminiscing. Again, Johnny didn't eat anything, and all Steven had was some yogurt. I can only hope they eat a lot at dinner when they get home.

I tug my bag back over my shoulder, following them back inside the old, decaying building. We pass by the bathroom and I carefully slip in, excusing myself quietly.

Upon entering, I am disgusted by the person I see in the mirror.

Why was I given these dirt green eyes? Couldn't I have gotten my mother's pretty blue ones?

I suppose all I get are her unruly, brown waves.

Hm... Without a hairbrush, there isn't much I can do. I drag my fingers through my hair gently, just barely smoothing out the mass of wavy strands. Oh, it isn't so bad.

As if on cue, a blonde girl enters the bathroom, her hair immaculately straight and styled. Oh, I am so bad - at least compared to everyone else. My hand rubs against my face.

...And no one here could ever have such ugly pink cheeks. All the time.

For some reason she smiles at me, and I can only offer a much smaller smile back.

"Hi there." She says with a perky infliction. Her brown eyes glow under the dim bathroom lighting.

"Oh-" My eyes widen, "hi." I stammer back. Is it normal to greet people in the bathroom?

Without further hesitation she strides confidently into the far right stall. I glance up at myself in the mirror one more time before I leave.

Where was study hall? Down this way... To the right...

I approach the door and open it ever so cautiously. Everyone seems to be settled in their own business already. Across the room, I just barely see Johnny surrounded by a group of friends. Angie is there too, sitting very close to Johnny. Somehow she looks even nicer than she did yesterday, her hair just as perfect as I remember. I feel a frown affix itself on my face.

There's no room for year-one-looking losers over there.

I find an empty seat a few seats from the door and sit by myself. As self conscious as I could possibly be, I pull up my bag and look for some work to do.

Agh! Burr didn't assign anything today. None of my teachers did.

I stare at the clock for a while, just watching the time tick away, but it's not long before someone is bothering me.

"Hey there." A blonde haired boy appears in front of me, and I nearly choke to death on the air I breathe. I smile very slightly at him, unsure if he's actually speaking to me and not someone else.

"Can I sit here?" He points to the seat next to me. I'm tempted to turn around to see if he's talking to someone else. I mean - there are plenty of seats throughout the classroom...and I'm sitting at a table meant for a group. Why does he want to sit next to me?

I nod yes, if only not to be viewed as rude. Without hesitation, he scoots into the seat that is far too close to me.

"Name's Ted. And you are?" His eyes burn into my eyes, examining me.

"Mara." I half vocalize.

"Mara... Mara... That's a pretty name," he stops and winks, "for a pretty girl."

Excuse me?

"Thanks." I flush not from being flattered, but from feeling uncomfortable. Clearly, he's lying. I just don't understand what he actually hopes to get from me - maybe he just wants my homework.

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