Chapter 7

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We walk into Mr. Saul's room and he greets us with a smile. His eyes trail on me for a moment, and I can only guess he does so because I'm new. I walk behind Steven as he leads the way to a three seater table on the left end of the classroom.

Johnny should be coming in soon, and I doubt they want me in between them, so I slide down to the far left seat.

"I won't let her bother you again, okay?" He sounds so sincere, concerned... What? Why? The middle chair scrapes against the floor as he takes a seat next to me.

"Thank you," I half mumble. I can't bear to look at him; it's just too embarrassing. Instead I watch as Mr. Saul greets everyone who comes in. After a few others, the boy with the big ears from yesterday strolls in, and behind him Johnny.

"Moz!" His voice echoes around the already hectic classroom. His footsteps become louder and louder as he approaches the desk.

"I've got good news," he sounds breathless as tosses his worn out bag on the floor.

"Like what?" Steven is clearly intrigued, but perfectly calm.

"I got tickets to The Rolling Stones!" Johnny is beaming with excitement, his cheeks burning a pinkish rose color. Not that I should be talking about other people having red's just cute to see how excited he is about the concert.


I stay perfectly still and silent behind Steven. He's not nearly as happy about this, if at all. Is he mad at Johnny?

Is it about Angie?

"My parents surprised me last night. They had four. I was thinking, it could be me, Angie, you, and if we can't find someone else, I guess my little brother too."

A little brother? I can only imagine another little Johnny running around in a leather jacket, not realizing his best friend likes his girlfriend.

"Me? Why not Mike?" Steven questions. His tone is more accusatory than thankful, and I feel uncomfortable. But Johnny doesn't seem to mind at all. Or maybe he just doesn't understand.

"Oh, come on Moz. You're my best friend. I would ask Mike to come too, but we both know-"

"-Thanks for inviting me." Steven does a 180. Suddenly he's not irritated, instead seeming entirely thankful for Johnny's gesture.

Surely I'm missing something.

Again, Johnny is not at all thrown off by the mood swing. "Maybe we could ask Mara if she wants to come, does she like the stones?"


Steven turns to me, an unreadable expression on his very attractive face.

"Well, she's right here." He says with a twinge of amusement. The ghost of a smile plays upon his lips.

"Oh! I didn't even see you." Johnny exhales.

"So...uh.." He looks embarrassed, probably because I've overheard their argument.

"Want to come?"

I stare blankly at his wide brown eyes.

"How much is the ticket?" My voice is dripping with anxiety, fear even... Much to my own dismay, I'm still shaken from last class.

Johnny gives me a goofy grin. "It's free, don't worry about it. I owe you one from yesterday."

"Really?" Why would he even want me to come?

He nods his head without hesitation.

"... only if you don't find someone else."

"No, you should come." Johnny asserts.

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