Chapter 2

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"For those who don't know me," the bald man gestures to himself, "I'm Mr. Saul."

"I don't have your syllabi yet, but you'll definitely have them for tomorrow."

Blankly, I examine the room. It's covered in periodic tables and scientific diagrams. There's nothing at all here that might relate to astronomy, though.

"I'm going to pair everyone up - hopefully with someone you haven't met yet - so we can all get to know each other a little better."


I squirm uncomfortably in my seat as he begins to move people around. Mr. Saul is wise as to who-knows-who, and he orders Johnny to "sit next to her in the back."

By her, he means me. Both relief and disappointment flood me.

Awkwardly, I give a small smile to Johnny as he approaches. He returns a small grin of his own, making quite a ruckus as he sits down.

"Hello there."

"Hi," I mumble shyly.

"Name's Johnny, and you?" The leather of his jacket scrunches as he rests his elbows on the desk.

"Mara." I adjust my posture in an attempt to appear less fragile and small.

"So, I take it you're new." He leans on his hand as he speaks. His thick eyelashes flutter under his dark bangs as he analyzes the ugly mass in front of him.

"Yes.." My voice is small and nervous-sounding.

"Well, what teachers do you have?"

"Um... Well I had this really old man first, Mr. Nelson." Johnny's face contorts in disgust.

"He's no good."

I swallow hard. "And, for Choir I have this lady - I can't remember her name. And just now I had Mrs. Burr."

His eyebrows perk up and his eyes widen.
"She's the worst."

Yes, no question.

"It's not too bad here overall. A lot better than what we had deal with back at the old grey school.." He sighs and stretches out nonchalantly.

Horror stories of boys beaten blue come to mind. Mum always has plenty to say about how terrible Manchester schools are.

"Just don't get sent to the headmaster." He warns.

"Have you been?" I ask curiously.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Yeah. For smoking."

The loudness of the classroom puts off our quiet conversation.

My eyes dart up to Steven from across the room. Does he smoke too?

Speaking of Steven, he seems uneasy around his partner...maybe even bored. His eyes are set on the door, as if he can't wait to dash out. The boy he's paired with is more preppy and a lot less easy on the eyes. Not that I should be talking.

Johnny turns to look at me, and I immediately look back down.

"So, what school did you come from?" He questions.

"I've been homeschooled." I admit lamely.

"I would've never guessed that!" He looks genuinely taken aback. I stare back at him with a blank expression, entirely unsure of what to say to that.

How could someone guess at all?

"Hopefully it isn't too bad for you here." Johnny nudges me with his elbow and I can't help but smile at him.


He is sweet and easy-going, but I can't help but feel overtaken by nerves around him. He's effortlessly cool and I'm, well, me.

Johnny turns to talk to someone in a nearby desk. It's a black haired boy with rather protruding ears. He stares back up at me when I look at him so I stop immediately.

Without anyone to talk to, I glance around the room again.

Two girls in front seem to be best friends already, some look to be forcing conversation, and Steven and the prep boy aren't saying anything. He's turned away now... I can't even see his face. Maybe I'm crazy, but the preppy boy looks sort of flustered by him.

No one is immune, then.

Steven turns around and I look down at my hands in record time.

"Johnny," he calls to his friend. Johnny turns to him - I can tell by the noise his jacket makes.

"When does this end?"

I blanch. Did he really just ask that in front of the teacher? Johnny moves around, and I assume he has a watch to check.

"Ehm... in 10 or so. Ditch for lunch?"
I adjust my eyes very slightly - just enough to see Steven nod from the corner of my eye.

The chatter continues for a few moments, and in walks Mr. Saul. He makes no attempt to silence the class, and instead plops down on his desk and continues to read.

Public school is certainly diverse teacher wise.

I look back up at Steven, perhaps for the 30th time today, and enjoy the view. He's handsome. In fact, he's so handsome I can't pull my attention away. Even his nose is cute, and-
"You know Moz?"

Johnny is leaning over - looking where I'm looking.

"I-uh..." I gulp dramatically.

"Who's that?" I don't know what the hell a "moz" is, but I was looking at Steven.

"The one you've been gawking at," he laughs.
My face flushes. Oh, God...

"I don't know him." I choke out.

"You want to?"

I don't say anything, instead twiddling my pencil between my fingers and mentally kicking myself. Was I really staring that much?

"You have anyone to sit with for lunch?"

"No." I admit.

"Well, come with us."

Ditching? No, it's a terrible idea. I can't go!
I nod involuntarily.

"We usually go to the park during lunch. You have anything to eat?"

I nod my head yes again.

The word "no" is never uttered.

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