Chapter 12

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"I got the good stuff Mike, but it's not cheap."
My interest is captured immediately by this, and for a moment I stop worrying about where Steven is.

He probably went to the courtyard to sit alone and read. I hope he comes to study hall - or maybe I don't - not if Johnny plans on bringing his terrible friends, too.

My attention is pulled away from my lunch bag when Angie excitedly claps her hands on the other side of the table.

"Oh my god, Mike would try it! I'd love to see that."

See what?

"Party next Friday..." Mike stops to laugh, "I'll be trying anything."

The bell rings before I can figure out what he's talking about. Johnny stands first, extending his hand to help Angie get up after him. She smiles at him, not letting go of his hand even after she gets up.

"I'll see you guys later," I tell the two of them. As quickly as possible, I throw my bag over my shoulder, eager to get to the courtyard - or to wherever it is that Steven went.

"Bye to you too," One of the three of Johnny's friends tells me as I walk away.

I'm one of the first people out the cafeteria. I turn both ways, a little unsure of where the courtyard is. Where was it the other day? Ah! The end of the left hallway. I push open the door to the courtyard, and head directly towards the boy sitting on the edge of the run down fountain.

"Steven," I stand next to him, examining every detail of his overall demeanor. He looks back at me, breaking his gaze away from the stone wall a few feet away. There's no book in his hands like I expected - he's just been sitting here, staring into space. And probably feeling awful.

"Are you alright?" I take a seat next to him, careful not to sit too close.

His blue eyes are shimmering in the light of the sun. It's a beautiful sight - his eyes have always been beautiful - but the look in them is disconcerting. I know what happened at lunch bothered him.

"Yes." He says softly, much softer than he's ever spoken to me.

"You can stay here if you want," I look away from him as he says this.

"It's okay to stay in the courtyard during study hall." Oh, really? I would have stayed with him regardless of whether or not it was allowed.

"You wanted the notes, right?" I turn to him again, and he's already looking at me. His eyebrows furrow.

"I forgot my notebook in my locker." The tone of his voice is self reprimanding.

"That's okay," I pull off my bag from my shoulder and begin to unzip it, "I can copy them on a different page and give it to you."

After flipping through a few pages of notes, I find the correct spot. My finger points to the middle of the page.

"You need the notes from up to here, right?"

He leans closer to me, his arm gingerly brushing mine. The familiar scent of his soap invades my space.

"Mm," he hums his response. I feel my face flame up, and my whole right arm begins to tingle from his touch. He backs away too soon, the palms of his hands brushing against his beige pants as he returns to his previous position.

"Thank you." His voice sounds very gentle.

I bite my tongue.

"O- of course." The sound of me ripping out a page in my notebook covers up the sound of my stammering - at least I hope it does.

I rapidly begin to scratch the notes down, confident in my ability to write both quickly and neatly. I'm almost certain Steven is watching me, so I'm careful not to make any mistakes. He takes a book from his bag.

I fold the sheet of notes in half then hand the compacted paper off to him. Like earlier on when I was handing him his textbook off the ground, his long fingers skim mine as he takes it. He puts it in the first page of his book, and surprises me when he closes the book and puts it away.

I could have sworn he would start reading by now - or even minutes ago when I began copying notes.

"Not reading today?" I voice my concern, prompting him to turn to face me. He shakes his head, scratching his neck as he does so.

The sensual appeal of his neck doesn't go unnoticed by me - I feel like my eyes are being dragged towards it. He moves his hand to the back of his neck now, rubbing it as if in pain. It's like he's drawing attention to it on purpose!

"Um..." I try and form the sentence, "about The Rolling Stones concert, I-"

"Don't tell me you can't go." Steven sounds genuinely disappointed, and it throws me off even more. He really wants me to come?

"No-" Wait.. that isn't what I meant, "I mean I can go," I shake my head, "but my mum wants to meet before."

Steven stares at me with a blank expression on his face.


"Any Sunday before the concert." I answer. He's not going to want to come - why would he?

Why does mother have to do this to me?

"The concert is next Saturday." He tells me, his lips forming a line. It's so soon... I hope Steven and Johnny make up by then.

"Oh.." I'm not sure how he feels about this, and it worries me.

"So it would have to be this Sunday. I understand if you can't-"

"Of course I'll come." Steven interrupts me.

I'm frozen for a moment. He looks at me for reassurance, and my cheeks simmer.

Suddenly-suddenly I feel too hot to think. He bites down on his lower lip, his tongue briefly grazing over it - as if it's such a casual thing to do!

"Th-thanks." I try and catch my breath. "Are you sure? I know it's probably a bother, but my mum w-"

He silences me with his incredulous stare. He's looking at me like I'm crazy or something, brows furrowed and all.

"You can show me some of your Billy Fury records..." He scratches his chin, "...assuming you have some."

What? I feel my face contort in confusion. He's really going to come to my house? I nod and turn away from him, my face probably flushing strawberry red.

Mother wouldn't mind if it was just one friend, right? No, I don't think so - but it really won't help the whole date accusation she threw at me yesterday.

He will certainly be impressed by my collection. Though all my records are up in my room...


I really liked the reaction to the last chapter, and so I couldn't hold off putting this one up.

I love writing this (I use it as practice to become a better writer) and I absolutely love that it's actually being read!! :)

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