Chapter 16

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What excuse should I come up with for going to the store? That I need another sponge - some soap, or maybe toilet paper?

No! Not toilet paper...

I burst through the corner store door, eyeing the man at the register with my most indignant expression. He jerks up from his book immediately, probably stunned by my sudden entrance.

"You," I lose my train of thought to some overpowering emotion, now just struggling to find my breath to finish the sentence,
"..You didn't come to school today."

He blinks hard - as if a ghost has appeared in front of him and he can't believe what he's seeing. Suddenly I'm aware my hands are on my hips, and I put them down as quick as I realize that they're there.

"I know." He folds a page, and then closes his book as if he's found some new source of entertainment; me.

A small grin appears on his face. After missing school he's....happy, is he? The last time I saw him was just yesterday, and he was mellow even after I talked to him in the courtyard. It feels like it's been much longer than just a day since then.

I grin back at him very briefly, appreciating the view that I've stumbled into. He's wearing a light blue shirt, and it's the most perfect match for his blue eyes. They sparkle - I swear they do - even on a cloudy, miserable day like today.

"Are you going to punish me?" His eyebrows raise, and I almost choke on the air I breathe.

Punish him? My lips purse as I approach the register.

"I didn't expect you to be here.." I tug at the bottom of my sweater, careful to keep a straight face, "That's all."

Don't smile...Don't smile at him...

I feel myself lose the fight - no! I won't!

"I need...I...uh-" I try not to stutter, but I can't remember what I planned to say,

"toilet paper."

The store is deathly silent, and for a moment neither of us make a sound.

Why did I say that? Why am I willingly doing this to myself?!

"Oh?" Steven's lips pop open, his gentle laugh now filling the room.

I'm so embarrassed...mortified, truly. But it's such a sight to see him so amused, and I can't help but giggle, too.

Toilet paper? I come into the store demanding toilet paper?

Steven must be thinking the same thing. His eyes close, one of his hands resting against his chest as he crumbles over from laughter. I don't think I've ever seen someone so far gone..but I can't blame him for laughing.

"Steven!" I try to scold him, but I'm just as hopeless. It's impossible - he's too cute. How could I ever be mad?

"It's-" he tries very hard to stop, "-it's the second aisle," he loses himself again, a pinkish glow beaming from his cheeks, "at-" he inhales, gesturing in the general direction of the bathroom items, "at the end." He shakes his head, giving into more laughter.

I slip down the aisle I think he's pointing to, looking as red as the apple I ate for lunch today. That reminds me why I came here in the first place.

I approach him at the register, the sight of his dimples - of his very handsome face - making my stomach twist. I place the toilet paper on the counter in front of him, trying and again failing to keep a straight face.

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