Chapter 13

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I included a little clip of Coronation Street because I mention it in the story. It's a nice show if you're into that sort of stuff!

My house is empty as expected. After dropping my bag off my shoulder and taking off my shoes, I start to remake the cheese sandwich I gave to Johnny at lunch. Two slices of wheat bread and two slices of cheddar cheese; it's simple, yet delicious.

Once I'm finished making the most plain lunch known to man, I move to the living room to watch any program that might be on at this hour. The first program that I recognize is Coronation Street, and although it isn't my favorite, it's probably the best thing I'll be able to find.

I barely get a bite in before I hear the blaring sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen. With a few swift steps, I'm in front of the source of the noise.

Is it mother? Something must have happened at her work - something bad. She never calls home.

The plastic of the phone feels cold as I rest it against my cheek.

"Hello." I frown into the phone, nervous to hear some sort of bad news.

"Mara, is that you?" It's not mother - it's a man's sounds vaguely familiar, at least I think it does. Why does he know my name and number, though?

"May I ask who's asking?" I begin to untangle the wiring leading to the phone, a nervous feeling rising in my stomach. What sort of man could be calling? A debt collector?

"It's your father, Mara."

I feel myself stiffen, and then completely freeze.

"Mara, I just want to ta-"

The phone thwacks against the receiver, the loud smack of plastic on plastic echoing throughout the kitchen. My heart races in my chest, my hands starting to shake.

It takes me a moment to realize it was me who hung up. My ears just stopped working; it's like I was flung into the familiar habit of hanging up on him as fast as humanly possible.

Without further thought I back away from the phone and return to my lunch - to the safe, boring sound of Coronation Street.


The headmaster opens the door and points inside his office towards two chairs - two chairs facing Johnny and someone else I can't see.

"Sit." The bald man from the other day has veins popping out of his forehead.

With wobbly legs, I sit down on the wooden chair while effectively avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

My hands are on my lap as I stare down at the ground.

"We've heard someone attacked you," I glance up at the headmaster, my heart pounding, "and Johnny says," he points to another person, only their silhouette showing, "this man attacked you."

"N-No..." I mumble. I place my hand on temple nervously, which appears to be bleeding. The headmaster catches me off guard and hands me a tissue. As hard as I fight against it, my eyes begin to swell with tears, a large lump growing in my throat.

"He didn't hurt me..." My voice wavers, "I- I mean-" my breath hitches, "he didn't hit me."

"That's true, she's not lying!" Johnny sits up and starts yelling. "My parents aren't going to let me get expelled cause of that liar!" He stands up, pointing to a man I know that I recognize. "I wouldn't hit a girl!" Johnny begins to shout again.

Tears begin to spill out of my eyes. No, no no no. I try and focus on the man's face, and the more I remember the more I can't breathe. He couldn't possibly be- How could he-? I have to think of something else, or else I'll-

My chest heaves up and down as I helplessly hyperventilate. When I look up, I see Johnny staring back up at me, concern etched into every feature on his face. Suddenly I feel inexplicable anger.

"Don't act so innocent. You hurt people too." I spit this at him, every syllable sounding more vindictive.

The loud slam of the front door jolts me awake.

I find myself sprawled out on the couch, the mark of its patterned fabric pressed all over the skin of my arms. My skirt is flipped up, and I adjust it as I lift myself into a sitting position. Thankfully it's only mum who's found me lying down with my underwear showing.

"Sleeping?" She smiles at me from the doorway, a blank expression on her face.

"Yeah, must have a while ago." I hunch over as I put my head in my hands. The sound of the evening news fills the room.

"You alright, sweetheart? You look like I've scared you half to death." Her tone of voice is as motherly as it gets.

"I just had a really strange nightmare."

She removes her coat and opens the small closet door to hang it. "You should be thankful it was only a dream. My day was a real life nightmare."

I watch as she goes to the kitchen and begins preparing tea, all the while telling me about how one of her patients died today.

God knows why anyone would want to be a nurse, or a doctor - or anything so dreadful. Why willingly choose to watch people go through so much pain?

I nod along as my mom tells her story, throwing in a few sympathetic glances as I listen to the news. She always does this after work, but usually her stories aren't so bleak. I'd really rather not hear that she had to watch a man with terminal cancer pass away.

"How was your day?" She asks as she enters the living room, finally done recounting her own day. I find myself staring at the phone, unsure if that was a dream, too.

"Fine." I answer her curtly as I stand up, mentally preparing myself to move upstairs and do my homework. It's already dark out - I must've slept for hours.

"Did you ask your friends about coming over?" She takes a small sip of her tea, and I notice she has a genuinely curious look on her face.

"Um, actually- it's only going to be, um-" I scratch my head casually, "one friend."

For a moment, the sound of the nightly news is the only noise in the house.

"A boy?" The corners of her lips twitch, and I feel myself turn red at the thought of him.

"Yep." I nod and look away from her, already planning how I'm going to sneak up the stairs and escape this conversation.

"What's his name?" She opens the fridge as she continues speaking, "Maybe I'll know his mother."

The sound of her rambling about something or other fades away as I move up towards my bedroom. "There's still soup in there from yesterday if you're hungry!" I shout from near the top of the stairs.

"Mara Rose Vidal," I visualize her putting her hands on her hips, "Come back down here and answer my question!"

"I have a ton of homework, mum, can we talk later?" I ask, though I fully intend on avoiding her for the night.

Even from here, I hear her sigh to herself.

"Alright." Her voice is quieter, "You do your homework, then."


A necessary chapter needed for some important plot thickening. I hope it didn't bore anyone...

Also, thank you all very much for writing such nice things. I'm really not worthy! 😳

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