Before reading...

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I'm not the greatest writer so I decided to write a story.

I know that seems to make no sense, but it does make sense....? I'm writing this story as practice and I hope to get better over time. You might notice that sometimes my writing quality or even my style can fluctuate-this isn't really on purpose! It depends if I'm lazy, if I feel like editing, if I'm really inspired...ect.

If you think this is a load of shit that's perfectly fine. Just don't attack me. Though I would love constrictive criticism.

I don't want to say exactly where this story is going (and the idea is still spinning in my head) so expect many different themes including but not limited to:
Love (obviously, right?)
Angst (aw yeah!)
I don't want to hint at much more. :)

Lastly, I should mention the setting (which certainly requires some degree of reluctant understanding..)

It's sometime in the 1970s, it's in England, and the school they all go to has some aspects that really don't match up with anything that actually exists. Try to imagine a mix between American high school and a University. Confusion is anticipated so if you're confused feel free to ask. Don't expect too great an answer...

I think that's all. Enjoy! (Or don't.)

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