Chapter 21

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A/N: time jump. in real life and in the story... lol

The Night Of The Rolling Stones Concert

Ted latches onto my arm, his eyes darkening as he clenches it tighter.

"C'mon," he drags me closer to him, almost tripping me in the process. I try and pull away, but I'm falling over myself.

His alcohol tinted breath begins to hit my face, and it's just like - it's just like...

He's angry. At me? What did I do?

I blink back up, shaking from the familiar scent of alcohol. His breath hits my face again, and his lips are stuck onto my neck.

How long has he been...?

He's drunk. I squirm, push, yell...but it's not strong enough, not loud enough. And he just continues...In the venue... Over the sound of the muffled music.

I shouldn't have left. I should've listened to Angie. I should've waited for her.

I turn my head away, the pit in my stomach growing larger with every unwelcome touch. Ted grabs my other arm, twisting it back against my side with all his strength. The pain seers up to my shoulder, and a small yelp escapes my lips. It's the only noise I've heard, though I thought I'd been screaming the whole time.

"Stop it!" He shoves me against the wall, his knee now digging mercilessly into my upper thigh.

My head bounces off the stone as he shakes me again, and I feel my arms go lax at my sides. They need to keep fighting - they need to push him away - but now they won't work. He's going to..

"No!" I elbow Ted in the neck, my eyes spilling with tears.

"Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs. And again. And again and again and again until my throat burns from the inside out.

He yanks me by the shoulders and shoves me against the ground.

"You couldn't just shut the fuck up!"

My head explodes from the bump, my whole face aching from the impact. And my arms...and my legs...they all hurt. My vision blurs with tears. I put a hand to my temple, and I watch as the blurry image of blood trickles down my palm and onto the ground. Oh no. That couldn't be my blood.



She's going to be so disappointed in me.


It's hard to see, so I continue to lie limp and motionless. Maybe if I don't move, no one will find me.

What's the point in helping me? I must deserve it.

There's footsteps. I squeeze my eyes shut, not at all ready for another attack. I need to hold my breath - count to ten. It will be over by then.

1, 2, 3.. Touch. I'm in someone's arms now, and they're lifting me up from the hard ground. It's a soft grasp, not hard or harsh like everything else.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Johnny. I close my eyes, and I hear a thump. And another. And then one more.

The hands on me are gentle; it's okay to let go.
I turn my head into the man's chest, it's familiar scent calming me from the inside out.

"Steven," I whimper against his shirt, too weak to do anything else. Yes, it's him. I can smell his soap. Suddenly I hear footsteps rushing behind me, and I flinch away, anticipating a kick to my side.

Steven pulls me closer, wrapping both his arms around me.

"It's okay, it's just Angie." His gentle voice vibrates up from his chest, and I vow to stay burrowed here forever. It's safe, warm, it doesn't hurt..

"Mara," Angie's voice is careful and quiet over the commotion, "I brought some napkins to wipe off the blood."

No. No, I don't want to move. I continue to cry, my head fuzzy with a million terrible thoughts. I need to stop this - to calm down - but I don't know how to. Steven doesn't back away from me, doesn't push me away, doesn't stop me as I sob into his chest for however long. He's touching me too, on my arms and my back. But it's different. He's not bad like them.

"Is she alright?" It's Johnny now - he must be kneeling down next to us too.

"This wouldn't have happened if you kept your savage friends away from her." Steven's chest vibrates again, his tone the harshest I've ever heard. I bite my lip to stop crying. He's mad.

"He isn't my friend, Moz." Johnny's voice is firm, and I think I believe it. "Which is why I dragged him out of here and threw him to the curb." It's silent between them for a moment.

"Fucking bastard was wasted." Johnny hisses. Angie starts to say something to him, or Steven, or me...but I can't be bothered to listen. I just want to sleep now.

"Mara," Steven's voice is quiet - so gentle and soft that only I can hear, "let me help."

I feel myself shake as I slowly ease away from his chest. His hands stay resting on my arms, holding me up ever so carefully.

"For Christ's sake," I meet Johnny's eyes, and the look of horror on his face travels straight to my gut. Something is wrong.

My hand reaches up to touch the stinging on the corner of my forehead, but I'm stopped.

"No," Steven takes my hand, not letting go, "don't." His eyes move to the scrape on my head. "It needs to be disinfected."

"R-right. What do we do?!" Angie is suddenly in a panic next to me, and a quick glance in her direction shows a pale girl, horror stricken by the sight of ... Me?

"My house- I mean my basement. Where we always go. I have bandages- and uh- I'll drive- in my car- and we...we can fix her up..." Johnny is stumbling on his words, and without looking I just know he's ruffling his bangs.

And the concert? It's not over yet, is it? Steven nods speculatively at him, the anger in his eyes more obvious by the moment. He turns back to me.

"Are you alright to stand?" His expression softens into worry, his hand reaching out to mine.

"I'll pull my car around." Johnny stands up and leaves so quickly that no one has a chance to respond.

I nod, my lips parting between heavy breaths. My eyes focus on the ground. It would be too hard- I don't think I can stand.

I force words from my trembling lips, "I didn't want to ruin..the night.."

"Hey," Angie leans forward, "Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy?"

"Y-yyes." That's my voice? It feels like I couldn't speak normally if I tried.

"I'll carry you." Steven...As long as you're here...

He still has one arm around me to help me sit up, but I wish I was still leaning against his chest, closer to him. But could he lift me? I know I'm not too much to carry, but neither is he.

"We should go." Angie seems anxious.

Without warning, Steven scoops me from the ground, now carrying me wedding-style outside of the building. My eyes start to close, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep. And what better place?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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