Chapter 17

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"Another reminder that we have solo auditions this Friday." Mr Dwight adjusts his music stand as he reminds us all of this for the hundredth time. It's Wednesday, three days since we've started the piece, but it's the first day the soprano section actually has to sing.

The whole period he repeatedly asks us to sing louder - but it's obvious all twenty four of us don't want to sing at all. I feel bad, I do, but that doesn't stop me from lip-synching the whole period. Occasionally I glance over at Steven to see his head buried in a book. Which reminds me: I should talk to him about Sunday again...just to make sure he still wants to come.

When class ends I move off the stage to talk to him, but before I have the chance to walk over he's already out the door.

Still in a bad mood?


Ted is extra annoying today. I tried to avoid him - I really did - but he pressured me to sit next to him in front of all his friends. It was impossible to say no with him waving me over like a crazy person.

"Did you ask about the party?" Ted is on the edge of his seat for an answer - and just seconds after I've settled in my chair.

"Um....yeah," no, "my mum said she'd think about it." I sigh and hope this lie is enough to get him to stop asking. There's no worse way I could think to spend my time; except maybe dying.

"Let me know if something changes," he bumps me with his elbow as he says this, and I nearly jump backwards.


I turn away - not bothering to respond - and pay attention to the lesson. Just when I think it's finally quiet and peaceful, James starts bickering with Ted about stealing his pencil. I'm tempted to pick it up, break it in two, and throw a half at each of them so they can shut up about it.


The lesson ends as soon as we're finished being told what to do for homework. I mumble a goodbye to the group of people I don't like, and Ted starts rambling about meeting him at lunch. No thanks.

There's really nothing to look forward to today. I walk to my locker alone, tuck in my math notebook on the top shelf, and continue walking to myself.

After twisting the doorknob to Burr's classroom back and forth a few times, it still won't give. I lean forward to look through the glass for someone to unlock it, but the room is completely empty.

Behind me I hear two girls walk by and I'm captured by the sound of paper brown lunch bags crinkling in their hands. That explains that, then. I guess Ted was telling me that lunch was this period, but I wouldn't know because I wasn't listening.

After heading towards the lunchroom, I'm unsettled to find him in front of its doors - he's like the human form of a nightmare.

Damn it! There's a chance he's there specifically for me. My legs drag me forward past the lunchroom and on towards the only other place I can think to go.

After I open the door to the courtyard, I make my way towards the fountain again. Sitting alone isn't so bad. At least I don't have to worry about the meaty smell of the cafeteria.

From the corner of my eye I see the door swing open a few times as more and more students enter. One person in particular catches my eye, but I pretend not to notice.

It's best to leave him alone.

"Hello there." Steven smiles at me, and I feel myself flush from his sudden appearance. Now he wants to talk?

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