Chapter 20

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I check the clock frantically, the numbers burning into my eyes after every glance. 4:30, 5:00 - mum is done making the tomato soup - 5:30, no, already?

"So, mum..." I feel my palms sweat, "it's alright that I- uh.." I scratch the back of my neck nervously. "It's okay I show him around the house, right?"

Maybe I'll even put on a show by tripping down the stairs to the basement, or walking into a wall.

For my own sake, I hope not, but if I don't loosen up at least a little bit, I really will embarrass myself - I already feel like I'm choking on something.

I rest the last of the plates on the table, careful to organize the spoon, knife, and fork correctly next to it. Oh - and I need to grab bowls!

"Your mashed potatoes Mara-" she ignores my question, probably because I've already asked it several times. "I think they just need to be salted, but the texture seems right." She takes off her apron and begins to fold it away.

After setting down and arranging bowls and cups, my legs drag me towards the stove.

Sure, whatever mother says. I twist the knob to the salt shaker over the pot of mashed potatoes, bored of it before I've barely started. I've made this so many times - I know it will be fine. Well, to me, at least.

I just hope I don't embarrass myself. Mum knows how awkward I can manage to make a situation - which is why I don't understand why she has to do this to me. Can't she just trust that my friends are decent people?

"Does orange juice sound fine?" She speaks up, her hand already on the pitcher in the fridge. I nod and she takes it out.

I look at the clock again: 6:07. Christ! He said six, right? Wait-I don't know. I can't remember.

...breathe a moment. In and out. It's okay.

"Mara, do you want to get the door?" Mother is leering over me, and I feel my heart plunge down to my stomach. The door?

I slide towards the front of the house, my face no doubt sizzling to some new shade of red. Calm down. I just need to be calm and....normal.

I didn't even hear the bell?

With the doorknob in my right hand, I twist it open slowly, and pull it to reveal the person I've been waiting for.

"Hi," Steven grins at me, and I can only hope I give a decent grin back.

But he's not....there's...I thought....

My eyes take in the sight in front of me.

There's two.


My heart is pounding in my ears. Nervously, I rub my sweaty palms on my pants.

"...hi." my voice is small, in disbelief. Steven smiles at me, and it's the happiest I've ever seen him look.

His white dress shirt - it's wonderful on him: not too big, but just right. He's just as dashing as ever - his hair is perfect, his blue eyes are glowing like....light posts in the darkest street corner - or more specifically, the most doomed evening.

"I hope it's alright that Johnny came, too." Steven turns to him as speaks. I meet Johnny's eyes now, and he's as cool as ever, wearing his leather jacket and looking very impassive.

"Of course!" My answer is given without the slightest hesitation, but I'm panicking.

No, no - this is a good thing. It's better that I don't have to be alone with-

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