Chapter 19

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A week can go by in a day; at least that's what this week felt like to me. It's strange how time can seem to almost speed by, and especially so when the day-to-day becomes almost the same. Going to chorus, going to math, going to english, then's boring. Despite the repetitiveness, there were parts of this week that stood out to me.

Thursday at lunch time for example: the day after I realized Steven and Johnny weren't getting along. Aside from Ted giving me the death glare in math class, the majority of the day was normal. Charlotte didn't bother me in Burr's class or demand my homework - but I'm sure that's only because Steven was there.

The one moment that stood out above all was during lunch the same day. Steven and I went out on the courtyard again, sitting in the same spot by the fountain and everything:

"I brought you something," Steven's face is nearly buried in his brown lunch bag as he continues, "and don't worry, it's not toilet paper."

A giggle escapes my lips as I try and see inside his bag.

"Alright." I smile as I swing my feet back and forth over the edge of the fountain. We're alone out here aside from a couple of track team boys in the corner babbling about - not so surprisingly - track. Their conversation occasionally becomes louder with talks of breaking a sprinting record. I kind of wish they weren't here so we could be alone, but it's still much better than... the past few days at lunch.

What's most important is that Angie and Johnny aren't here. If Astronomy class yesterday was any indication, Johnny and Steven aren't making up anytime soon. If Johnny showed up right now - especially if he came with Angie or Ted - it would be extremely uncomfortable.

Maybe everything between them...exploded. Maybe Steven was tired of his best friend dating a girl he liked, and maybe he was tired of being picked on right in front of Johnny while he did nothing to defend him.

Who wouldn't be tired of Johnny's stupid friends and all the unnecessary trouble they cause?

"Here," Steven has a warm smile on his face, and it's almost impossible to look away from him to see what's in his hand.

"For me?" My eyes widen at the small pastry he's holding.

"Mm," he hums a 'yes' and moves his hand closer. I take it from him, careful not to drop it on the ground.

"You like cookies...I hope?" He asks me, the tone in his voice softening to a more gentle volume.

"Of course, thank you," My throat begins to tighten against my will, "I- I love them. That's so," I avert my eyes, suddenly feeling at a loss for words, "...sweet of you."

"It's nothing." Steven answers immediately. His leg bumps mine, and I almost jump backwards from the shock of it.

Was that on purpose?! No, yes - I don't know!

It takes me a moment to compose myself.

"Oh?" Bravely, I bump him back with my left leg. "If it's nothing, bring me something everyday." I meet his eyes, unable to shake the grin off my face.

"Well if you like that one, of course I'll bring more." He looks at me like it truly is nothing, and I just pray he doesn't notice my cheeks turn ruby red. I can never beat him; not when he says something like that.

Finally, I take a bite of the cookie, and I instantly relish in the peanut-buttery flavor. It''s so delicious!

"You like it?" He takes a bite of his own cookie as he stares at me.

"Yes," I nod, eager to let him know just how good it tasted. Before I can say more, the bell rings, interrupting us as usual.

I know it seems small, maybe even silly, but it meant more to me than just a piece of food. More than just having a handsome boy give me something, I had a friend give me something. Someone besides my mother thought about me.

And then there was Friday. Even after feeling very bitter about Johnny the day before, I couldn't help but worry about what would happen if they never made up. I mean, of course it's nice having Steven all to myself, but I'm sure he doesn't see it that way. He's still very upset with Johnny: I know it. The way he looks at him makes that more than clear - it's like he feels anger, confusion, and disappointment all at once - I can see it in his eyes when Johnny is around.

What bothers me most is knowing next to nothing about their friendship to help them through this. Maybe they're both too stubborn to do anything, and usually Angie always interferes to fix things. If that's the case, why isn't anything changing? And could Steven stay mad about what happened on Monday forever?

When I saw him on Friday he seemed better than Thursday, though. There was no sign of any sort of anger towards Johnny, but he could have just been very good at hiding it from me.

"Hi." I take a seat next to Steven, unable to wipe the big, stupid grin off my face. It's surprising to have him get here before me, even though he's been doing so everyday this week - besides Tuesday, that is.

"Afternoon," his eyebrows raise as he greets me. He smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling under the harsh classroom lighting.

I just can't understand how anyone can always looks so good - he must stare at himself in the mirror when he gets home. I know I would.

"You're late." Steven squints his eyes at me, teasing as usual.

"Oh, you know," I counter, "I was just reading my Wilde book in the courtyard, alone." I giggle to myself, knowing that I'm not nearly as good at this as him. He laughs too, and it's the most wonderful sound.

"Stealing my hobbies, are you?"

"Not all of them," I quickly answer. "I'm not actually late." The late bell rings, confirming my story.

Afterwards, when we went to lunch, he brought me another cookie. I was so shocked I couldn't even tease him about it. It was the best part of my day, and it meant so much to me that I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it even after I came home. Even now.

On the other hand, the worst part about Friday were the auditions for chorus solos. I just wanted to play the piano part and leave, but all I could manage was standing outside the door to the office because I was too afraid to knock. Pathetic, I know, but I'd rather run away from what's intimidating to me than risk embarrassing myself. Now I'll have to sing (with my terrible voice) along with everyone else.

"Mum, it should be around five, alright?" I break away from my thoughts to make sure she's heard my reminder, but she's already too preoccupied with cooking dinner to notice me.

God, this is going to be nerve wracking. It already is nerve wracking. Everything - every part of this night could go horribly wrong. What if he hates the food? What if he hates the house? What if he hates me?

No...if he didn't like me, he wouldn't come over.

Er, not that he likes me, likes me; I know that. But he does like me enough to be my friend. Seeing how Johnny and him have fallen apart - I just couldn't go through the same thing. He's the only friend I've managed to make, and I can't lose him.

"Sure, sweetie." She turns to me now, and I must look as worried as I feel, because now even she looks worried.

"Mara, are you nervous?"


"No." I answer immediately. "I told you this already mum. He's just a friend." The answer echoes in my head, as if a reminder to myself. Yes, he's just my friend. He's just my friend.

She seems satisfied enough with this answer, and I'm relieved. It's better to answer these questions now than when he's here. I check the clock frantically, and I'm comforted by the fact that I still have a couple more hours...A couple of hours until I make an idiot of myself, I'm sure.


I'm so late! 😥 The next chapter should be up much sooner. I think it'll be a good one, and it might be a bit longer too!

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