jesus gets cancelled for something really stupid

642 19 55


It was a dreary Monday morning, and Jesus had finally started streaming again. He was the owner of a Christian minecraft server. The server was mostly peaceful, except for an occasional homophobe. (they were personally banned by jesus). Jesus was looking for diamonds in a cave. He had found 63 so far, and he wanted to have a full stack of diamonds. Jesus looked at his view count. 42,069 viewers. 

Then he spotted it. DIAMOND ORE!! But it was over a lake of lava, so Jesus began to mine some cobblestone. After he had mined enough, he began to bridge over the lava. A skeleton shot him, knocking him into the lava. "JESUS CHRIST!!" Jesus shouted. Immediately. His stream was mass reported, and Jesus was banned on twitch. 

Jesus shrugged, confused. "The satan stans probably decided to crash my stream, I'll go tweet that i'll resume the stream tomorrow." Just then, Jesus' phone rang. It was y/n!

Jesus answered it. "Yes y/n"

"YOU GOT CANCELLED ON TWITTER FOR SAYING YOUR OWN NAME JESUS!!!!" Y/n said, barely containing their laughter. 

"No way!" Jesus said. He checked twitter. "Never mind, yes way."


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Jesus laughed. "THEY ARE TRYING TO CANCEL ME FOR SAYING JESUS CHRIST THAT'S LITERALLY MY NAME AND ITS NOT A SLUR!!" Jesus resisted the urge to reply to @/f*ckyoujesus.

"I will make a tweet explaining that its literally my own name!" Jesus said.

"That is such a swag idea jesus you are so cool." Y/n replies. Jesus goes on his account and tweets out

 Jesus goes on his account and tweets out

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"Jesus go like my tweet." y/n says. Jesus goes to like it

"Jesus, someone commented to play scented cons on roblox, should we play it?"

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"Jesus, someone commented to play scented cons on roblox, should we play it?"

"Let's play tomorrow y/n,  I need some beauty sleep after almost being cancelled."


a/n:  this is not as good quality but i was uninspired xx 

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