Jesus and Y/N go to high school (jesus get abandoned) (requested chapter)

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hello my little vegetables, I've been recieving a lot of requests lately! I mainly write this story during my free periods at my school, so that's why update are slow! I will get to all the requests though xx

Today's request is from floatii <3 


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RIIIIIIING! Jesus' ePhone rang. He picked it up to answer. It was a video call from y/n! Jesus answered and y/n's smiling face appeared on the screen. 

"O-M-Cupcake! Jesus! I found the perfect outfit for my first day of school!"  

"Y/N!! That's so great!! Can I see?" Y/N nodded, and turned their camera around, on their bed lay an outfit. A skirt with a face on it,  and a shirt with an epic roblox image on it.

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"Omg, y/n, that outfit is so hot. All the Chads will fall in love with you!!!" Jesus said.

"Thanks Jesus," Y/n said while doing the debby ryan smile and hair tuck.

"SHOOT, SCHOOL STARTS IN 15 MINUTES, WE GOTTA GO!!" Jesus yelled. He hung up the call, and sprinted out the door without even saying goodbye to his dads, God and Joseph.

At Y/n's house, they quickly put on the really cool outfit, and rushed out the door. They made it to school just on time, and then realized. They had forgotten shoes. 

A terrifying man wearing a letterman jacket looked at y/n's feet. "mmmmmm feet." Y/n started walking away slowly. 

"Chad-Kyle!! get away from that wonderfully dressed person!" A girls voice said. She walked towards you and Chad-Kyle. She looked like Chad-Kyle, but younger and female.

"Your outfit is soooooo cute!!" She said. "I'm Haighleigh, what's your name?" 
"I'm y/n... was that your brother?"

"Ugh, yes, he's such a stupid-head. ANYWAYS, your outfit is so good, that I am inviting you to sit at lunch with me and my friends  Tifphaneigh and Jessieighkaugh." 

"omg are you the popular girls??!111!!!!1?/?" y/n says excitedly.

"Yes!" Haighleigh says, tossing her hair."

"Can my friend Jesus sit with us too?" y/n asks.

"JESUS? That loser? Hah, no way. If you associate with Jesus maybe you shouldn't sit with u-"

"I'll ditch him- he doesnt matter." Y/n said quickly.

"Perfect!" Haighleigh said with a smile. She grabbed y/n's hand and dragged them off to lunch.


It had been a few weeks, and Haighleigh and y/nleigh ruled the school.  Jesus had been cast aside, simply a unpopular loser. He was continuously stuffed in toilets by Chad-Kyle and his friend Jake-Jaxon. Yet Jesus still hoped y/n would see they were wrong. In all honesty, Jesus had began to develop a crush on Y/n.

One day Jesus decided to ask y/n to prom. He gathered his courage, and walked up to her. "Y/n, will you go to prom with me?"

"Ew, no. I'm asking Chad-Kyle."

"C-Chad-kyle????" Jesus stuttered. "But hes a poopyhead!!!"

"Yeah but hes sooooooooo hot." y/n said. "Now go away before I kick you." 

Jesus walked away sadly. He was all alone. He saw y/n ask Chad-Kyle, he saw Chad-Kyle accept. He saw y/n win prom royalty instead of Haighleigh. Haighleigh tried to take y/n down, but y/n stayed on top. He watched as Haighleigh became even more unpopular than him. Still, she wouldn't talk to him. 

He watched as y/n forgot they had ever been friends. Nobody knew jesus. 






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