jesus becomes a minecraft streamer

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A/N: So apparently people actually read this story! sorry i havent updated ! i usually write this during free periods at school, so now that school has started again, i should be updating ! 


Your phone dings with a text from your bestie, Jesus, who you sometimes refer to as J-Dawg

"i got a twitch go follow me xoxo" reads the text. You click on the link and it brings you to a page on twitch. 

"Jesuspicious" is Jesus's channel name, and you scroll down to see that he is live !

You click on the livestream, which has 69,420 viewers, and when the page loads you see that jesus is playing minecraft ! 

He is currently building a house out of acacia wood, the worst wood. A donation pops up on screen.

"daddy jesus why are you using acacia wood :(( anyways can you say my name uwu XD" 

Jesus reads it outloud and says the donator's name (secksyjesus123)

Jesus builds a different house, this time with dark oak wood (the superior wood) and then sets off exploring. 

"A wolf! " Jesus proclaims. "Tell me fine wolf, wouldst thou desire to become mine own pet?" The wolf does not reply, as it is a wolf. Jesus takes this as a yes and tames the wolf.

"I shall name you fatbitch43!" The newly christened wolf wags its tail in joy, It had gotten the best name ever!" 

Jesus began the trek back to his house, but night had fallen upon his minecraft world. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a creeper jumped out and exploded.

Jesus barely survived, he was on half a heart. He looked around desperately for fatbitch43, but the wolf had been slain.

fatbitch43 was blown up by Creeper.

"NOOOOOOOOO" Jesus shrieked. He sobbed and sobbed. The chat was crying too. Although fatbitch43 had a short life, it was a life that will be remembered forever.

A donation came in: "JESUS LOOK OUT THERE IS A CREEPER!"

Jesus was too distraught to move out of the way, and soon the screen turned red, displaying the words "YOU DIED" Jesus let out a sob, then yelled. "I QUIT BEING A STREAMER!" The live stream cut off.

You rush to Jesus' house on your magical fetus. 

You knock on the door and a teary-eyes Jesus opens the door.

"H-hi y/n." He says, sniffling.

"Jesus I heard about your loss, I am so sorry." You say.

Jesus hugs you and cries, although this time happy crying. "You're the best friend ever y/n!"

You stay hugging for quite some time

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