Pregnant Reader

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You let out a deep breath as your eyes scan every inch of the room. The room is filled with balloons and different types of cheap decorations that you bought from the party store. You also plan on ordering his favorite food for dinner as part of this little surprise for him. This 'surprise' was unexpected for you, too, but you're not sure how Leorio will react to hearing about it. This was all part of your plan to soften the blow.

You fidget uncomfortably as you sit on the couch, your eyes trained on the door, waiting for your person of interest to walk in at any given moment. Recently, the two of you have been struggling with money, which has caused you and Leorio an extensive amount of stress. You can only imagine that the timing of this 'surprise' would make things worse.

The sound of the door creaking open draws you out of your thoughts and back into reality. Leorio lets out a tired sigh as he opens the door, but a smile quickly forms on his face when he notices you, "Babe! I missed you so much!"

You stand up to approach him, offering him a forced smile, "I missed you, too."

He watches you with concern in his eyes when he realizes something is wrong, "Is something bothering you? Are you hurt?? What's wrong??" He notices a balloon out of the corner of his eye and looks around the room, taking in all of the decorations, "Wait, why are there so many balloons here?"

"Um, I have something to tell you, and I thought the balloons might help..." You explain to him in a quiet voice, now wondering if the balloons were totally necessary.

"Oh, okay. What do you have to tell me?" He wonders with a look of genuine worry on his face.

You look away from him, trying to swallow your nerves, "I know this isn't great timing, but, Leorio I-" You swallow harshly before looking back up at him, "I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen before he loudly questions you, "R-really?? Are you sure??"

You nod, finding it hard to look him in the eyes. Without any warning, Leorio picks you up by the waist excitedly and spins you around. He holds you so that your face is just above his as he watches you with watery eyes.

"I just can't believe it...! I'm so happy!" He sniffles, trying to hold back his tears of joy, "I can't wait to have a family with you! You're gonna be the best mom ever!"

"A-are you really this happy?" You're totally caught off-guard by his reaction.

He looks confused by your question, but nods at you enthusiastically, "Why would I not be? We always planned on having a family together."

"I just thought that you would be upset since we've been so stressed with money problems lately," You explain, averting your eyes from him.

"Of course not. I'm sorry that you were worried about that, (Y/N), but I promise you that I would never be upset at you for something like that," He holds you close to him, rubbing your back gently while you nestle your head in the crook of his neck, "No matter what, we'll always have each other."

You let out a sigh of relief, the tension in your muscles finally relaxing, "I'm so glad that you said that."

He has pure tears of joy running down his cheeks as he talks to you, "You make me so happy, and I only want the same thing for you and our unborn son."

"Leorio, we don't know that they're going to be a boy yet," You point out to him accompanied by a soft chuckle.

"Yet!" He exclaims, earning more laughter from you, "Either way, I'm going to love them so much! We're going to buy them the best toys! And Gon, Killua, Alluka, and Kurapika can come over and help babysit!"

"We'll have to pick out a really good name, too," You add on to this.

"You're right! We can make some lists later tonight," He finally releases you from his grip and sets you back down on your feet. As he looks you up and down, his eyes begin to water again. He looks away while he sniffles and wipes his eyes with his jacket sleeve.

You take his other hand in yours and gently squeeze it, "What's wrong, my love?"

His voice is quiet as he replies, trying to hold back his tears, "I'm just so happy. I don't understand how I got so lucky... We're really going to have a family together." He seems to be in slight disbelief as he says this.

"We always were going to at some point," You start, offering him a reassuring smile, "Besides, I'm the lucky one. You care about me so much and that makes me so happy."

He reaches out to set a hand on top of your stomach for several seconds, seemingly waiting for something to happen.

"Leorio, I'm not that far along yet."

He still watches your stomach, replying with, "I know, but I want to picture how they'll kick in the future."

You let out a quiet chuckle as you watch him gaze at your stomach with pure love in his eyes. He just seems so happy and excited, and that excitement is easily infecting you. 

After a few moments of this, he finally pulls his hand back and his attention falls on the balloons and other decorations littering the room, "Why did you put up all these decorations though?"

"I just thought it might lift your mood up," You explain to him innocently, "I was also planning on ordering your favorite food for dinner."

"Really?" He wraps his arm around your shoulders, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek, "You're just the best babe! But we should order whatever you want."

You raise an eyebrow at this, "Why is that?"

"You're the pregnant one! I'm going to take really good care of you. You're never gonna lift a finger again," He tells you with a confident smile on your face, "You should rest a lot and take it easy."

"I'm just pregnant, Leorio. I don't need so much special treatment," You explain to him, but your argument falls on deaf ears.

He shakes his head at this as he leads you over to the couch to sit down, "Don't be stubborn, (Y/N). I'm going to set up a doctor's appointment for you, too. Now, what do you want to eat?"

He watches you with love in his eyes as you both decide on something that you both want to eat for dinner. You find yourself thinking that Leorio is going to be such a good dad. He already takes care of Gon and Killua all of the time. A smile comes to your face as you think about this. 

He hangs up the phone after ordering take-out and immediately questions the look on your face, "Why are you looking at me like that, babe? Did I do something weird?"

You only laugh and shake your head at this, explaining to him, "I was just thinking about how you'll be such a good dad. Our child is really lucky."

A blush instantly forms on his face and he waves you off while looking away from you in embarrassment, "Y-you don't know that," His eyes fall back on you as he wonders, "Do you really think that?"

You nod in agreement, a large smile on your face, "Of course. I don't have a doubt in my mind that you'll be the perfect father. You're already the perfect husband."

He seems surprised at this but a grin still forms on his face, "I love you so much, (Y/N). I already know that you'll be the perfect mother. You're definitely right about our child being lucky."

"I love you, too, Leorio," You start with a sheepish grin on your face, "Although, they're not as lucky as I am."

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