Hallmark Holiday Movie AU

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So, first off: This is supposed to be cheesy and dumb, so please don't be mean to me haha. This is literally a parody of a cheesy Hallmark movie. This took me a long time to write, and fair warning- this is pretty long! Also, the video is a fake trailer that I made for this! Hope everyone enjoys and has a happy holiday! ~Ali

You emit a long sigh as you peer outside the airplane's window, watching the various-shaped white clouds pass you by. 'This is ridiculous. I should be working right now,' You think to yourself.

You had never planned on making this long trip back to your hometown, but unfortunately, you weren't given much choice in the matter. You had been given a big project by the company you work for, and if you didn't complete it successfully, your workplace rival, a hard-working man named Kurapika, would get the big promotion over you. You had poured your heart and soul into this company for several years now, and you couldn't let this happen!

The project you had decided upon was a big winter festival, and you thought planning was going well until your very strict boss called you to their office to have a chat with you. You close your eyes and you can picture yourself back in his office.

"Oh, (Y/N), just the woman I wanted to see~" Your boss, Hisoka, turns around from the window he was looking out of, "I need to have a word with you, and yes, it is important." He sits down at his grand mahogany desk, gesturing for you to sit in one of the chairs on the other side of it.

You give him a quick nod, before sitting down, already prepared to argue with him if you need to, "What is it sir?"

"Now, my dear (Y/N). You know that I've always liked you, and you're my hardest working employee," He says with a grin on his face before it suddenly drops, and he seems much more serious, "This winter festival that you are planning is going nowhere."

"Ex-excuse me, sir??" You question him in disbelief, "I've been working very hard on this winter festival!"

"I do understand that, yet, it seems to be going poorly. I'm sure that you're more than aware that if this festival doesn't go perfectly, you won't receive that big promotion that you've been longing for~"

You grow quiet at his subtle threat, nodding in agreement, "I understand that very well, sir. But I don't understand what I've done wrong!"

"As you know, I've been checking in with you, as well as sending my assistant Illumi to check in on your progress, and we aren't impressed in the slightest. It seems to be lacking in several aspects," He looks down at his desk, shuffling the playing cards on his desk.

You gulp harshly, knowing full well that he's telling the truth. You've been working so hard, yet, it's still not good enough. "What is it lacking in?"

"It's boring. Christmas is meant to be a fun and magical time, but your festival seems utterly dull. Nobody will go to it if you don't make it more exciting," He points out to you, his normally playful mood is nowhere to be found.

"So, what can I do?"

"You need to find your Christmas spirit. Your inner child, if you will," He licks his lips as he says this, causing you to visibly cringe, "How did you celebrate Christmas as a child, my dear?"

You think for a moment, memories of past Christmas's appearing in your mind. "Well, my mother and I used to decorate our Christmas tree together while drinking hot cocoa. Then we used to go see all of the pretty lights downtown."

"Hmm~ Interesting~" A twisted grin appears on his face as he speaks, "I believe that you should go see your family for Christmas and try to find your Christmas spirit. That's the only way that you'll save this winter festival."

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