Leorio Meets Your Family

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"Leorio, are you okay?" You sit in the passenger seat of his car while he sits in the driver's seat, one of his hand's on the wheel and the other hand gripping your thigh. You've just realized that he's trembling slightly, hence your concerns, "Are you that nervous?"

His grip on your thigh tightens as he refuses to meet your gaze, "How could I not be? This is the first time I've ever met your family! What if they don't like me?? What if they think you deserve better?? What if-"

You place your hand on top of his, your tone of voice reassuring as you speak, "Relax. They're going to love you. You're overthinking this, my love."

"You don't know that!!" He argues back as he turns to face you with worried eyes, "What can I do to make them like me?"

"You don't need to do anything. Just be your charming self," You comfort him with a warm smile on your face as you turn his hand over to interlace his fingers with your own, "That's how you won me over."

A tinge of pinkness forms on his cheeks and he averts his eyes from you to look back at the road, "I just got really lucky meeting you. I don't understand how you fell for me."

You casually shrug in response, "Yeah, me either."


"Just joking," You remark with a smirk on your face, "I fell in love with you for so many reasons, Leorio, but you already knew that. You're the most caring person I've ever met. Nobody could ever compare to you."

His face flushes red after hearing this, however, a huge smile forms on his face, "You always know just what to say. Thank you, (Y/N). I love you."

"No need to thank me," You lean closer to him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "Do you feel better now?"

He nods, his eyes falling on you again, "Much better. I'm still kind of nervous but as long as I have you by my side, I'll be fine."

"That's the spirit!" You bring his hand up to your lips to press a kiss to the back of it, "You're sounding much more like yourself now."

"Thanks to you, babe."

After about twenty more minutes of driving, the car finally pulls into the driveway of your childhood home. Leorio stands with his arms down at his sides nervously while you knock on the front door. You take note of his tense posture and grab his hand, offering him a loving smile. He offers you a nervous smile back as the door finally opens revealing your mother and grandmother.

"(Y/N), you're finally here!!" She pulls you into a tight hug before turning to Leorio with an excited smile on her face, "Oh, and you must be Leorio! We've heard so much about you."

"I-it's nice to finally meet you, ma'am," He outstretches his hand for her to shake, his hand noticeably shaky, "(Y/N) talks about you a lot."

Your mother lets out a chuckle and pushes his hand aside, pulling him into a tight hug, "We're family! No need to be so formal! You can just call me mom!" She pulls away from him after a few moments, clearly leaving him very flustered.

"O-okay!" He scratches the back of his neck nervously, "It's nice to meet you, mom!"

"That's much better!" She gestures to your grandmother now, "This is my mother. You can just call her grandma."

Your grandmother offers Leorio a large smile and a friendly wave, "Nice to meet you, Leorio."

"Oh, forgive me for being rude! Come in, come in!" Your mother grabs his arm and drags him into the house despite your protests, "I'll show you around the house and we can even look at (Y/N)'s baby photos."

You can't help but roll your eyes at this as you follow her inside the house, mumbling, "Right to the baby photos..."

Your mom and grandmother show Leorio around the house and introduce him to your younger siblings. After showing him around the house, she sits beside him on the couch, showing him various photos of you as a young child. 

After about an hour of this, your grandmother finally announces that dinner is ready. You find yourself sitting next to Leorio at the table with your mother and grandmother sitting across from you while your siblings sit on either side of you. Leorio is telling them a story about when you two first met, easily making your whole family laugh along with his story.

"-But I'm lucky I met (Y/N). She's the best thing that's ever happened to me," He turns to look at you with a smile on his face, "I can't picture my life without her."

You lean against his shoulder, earning a coo of "Awe's" from your mother and grandma, "If you ask me, I think I'm the lucky one."

"Good thing we weren't asking you!" Leorio quips, prompting you to elbow him in the arm.

"(Y/N) talks about you all the time. We could tell she was completely enamored by you by the way she spoke about you on the phone. You make her really happy," Your mom explains to Leorio, causing your own cheeks to heat up, "We can't wait for you two to get married. We're so excited about the wedding!"

"Indeed. We can't think of anybody else we would want (Y/N) to be with. Thank you for making her happy, Leorio," Your grandmother adds to your mother's statement.

Leorio's own cheeks are flushed with embarrassment now, but he can't seem to wipe the large grin off of his face, "T-thank you! I promise to make (Y/N) happy every day for the rest of her life. It's what she deserves."

"From what (Y/N) has told us, it sounds like you're not very close to your family, but you can consider us your family now, son," Your mom says to him with a caring smile on her face, "As long as you're okay with that, of course."

"Of course I am!" He quickly exclaims in response, "Thank you so much. I already feel like part of the family," He looks away from them, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "I can't believe I was so nervous to meet you all."

"Anyone would feel nervous in that situation," Your grandmother reassures him, "You handled yourself very well. You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

The family dinner continues on late into the night, everyone talking and laughing loudly. After eating dessert and visiting for a little while longer, you and Leorio decide to take your leave. You stand outside with him now while your mother and grandmother wave and say their goodbyes.

"It was nice to meet you, Leorio. We hope to see you again soon! Hopefully, at the wedding!" Your mother exclaims as she waves to him.

Your grandmother nods to this, adding on, "Yes, get home safe, you two. We love you both."

They both go back inside, the door closing behind them as you and Leorio make your way to his car. Leorio wraps his arm around your shoulder as you walk, pulling you close to him as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"I really like your family, (Y/N), and I'm really happy they liked me," He seems relieved as he speaks, "I meant what I said about wanting to make you happy every day of your life."

"You don't even need to try, Leorio."

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