Your Nightmares

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You frantically shoot up in bed, your breathing ragged as you try to calm yourself down. Your eyes fall on your fiance who sleeps peacefully beside you. The last thing you want to do is wake him, but you find yourself in need of his comfort. You try to steady your breathing and shaky movements for several more moments before finally deciding to bite the bullet and wake him. You let out a long breath before shaking him by the shoulder and calling out his name.

"Leorio... Leorio, wake up, please," Your voice comes out hoarse and quieter than you want it to, "Leorio!"

His eyes finally flutter open and he looks up at you tiredly, mumbling, "(Y/N), what is it?" He quickly realizes that something is wrong and sits up in bed, looking at you with obvious concern in his eyes, "It was a bad dream, wasn't it?"

You simply nod to this prompting him to wrap his arms around you tightly and hold you flush against him. He runs his hand over the back of your head slowly, his touch extraordinarily gentle as he leans closer to you to press a kiss to the top of your head.

"It's okay now. I'm here. Just breathe, (Y/N)," His tone of voice is hushed as he comforts you, "Breathe in," He guides you, and you do as he says, "And breathe out," You let out a breath of air and he continues helping you even out your breathing for several minutes.

When your breath is finally normalized, you pull back from him to wipe your eyes dry of tears, "Thank you, Leorio."

"You don't need to thank me. I would do anything for you," He offers you a warm smile, before a look of worry overtakes his smile, "Do you feel a little better now?"

"Yes, much better," Comes your reply, although your voice is still quiet, "I'm sorry for waking you, my love."

He shakes his head, refusing to accept your apology, "Don't apologize for that! I'm glad you did! All I want is for you to be happy," He starts, a small smile forming on your face after hearing this, "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?"

You avert your eyes from him as you can still recall the nightmare very vividly, "It was really bad and it felt so real..." You close your eyes and take a breath in preparation for your explanation, "In my dream, I lost you... You were severely injured and there was nothing that I could do to save you. I tried everything that I could but you were still taken from me. I even begged the grim reaper himself to take me instead," At some point during your explanation, tears started streaming down your face with you realizing.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," He uses his thumbs to wipe your tears away from your eyes and offers you a reassuring smile, "But that's never gonna happen. I'm never going anywhere, babe."

"I don't ever want to lose you!" You desperately cry out to him, before lowering your voice again, "I don't know what I would do without you."

Leorio's eyes widen at this as he can feel his heart breaking for you. He wants to tell you that you would be fine without him, yet, he finds himself having the same thought about you. Seeing you so worried about losing him, while endearing, was making him feel incredibly sad.

He takes both of his hands in yours, feeling his own eyes start to water, "You're never going to lose me. And I never want to lose you, so let's just take care of each other, okay?"

You slowly nod to this, "But what if something happens that's out of our control?"

"Let's not think about that, babe. Let's focus on our future together and our happiness," He says to you, trying his best to hold back his own tears. He wants to be strong for you, but he's not sure if he can, "Unexpected things can happen to anyone but let's not focus on that! Think about our wedding! It's gonna be so much fun and all of our friends are gonna be there!"

You let out a chuckle as you recall how excited Gon, Killua, and Alluka were when you invited them to your wedding, "Yes, it's definitely going to be interesting."

"And think about how happy Emmy will be after we get married!"

You can picture Emmy's excited face easily, the smile on your face growing even larger, "Yes, she's been wanting us to get married for a long time now. We should definitely ask her mom if she can be our flower girl."

"Actually, I already asked her and she said yes," Leorio replies with a sheepish smile on his face while he scratches the back of his head, "Sorry, it was supposed to be a surprise."

You can't help but feel overjoyed at his confession, "That would have been a great surprise, Leorio," You think for a moment before adding, "I wonder if Alluka would've liked to be the flower girl though."

"We can have two flower girls!" Leorio exclaims, his earlier sadness nowhere to be found.

You raise an eyebrow at this as you question his idea, "Is that allowed?"

"It's our wedding so we should be able to do anything we want!" Comes his enthusiastic response, although afterward he mumbles, "Especially for the crazy amount of money we're paying."

A joyous laugh escapes your lips, causing the grin on Leorio's face to widen, "You're right about that. Maybe we can get a discount somehow."

"I've already tried 3 times now..." He says with a defeated look on his face, prompting you to let out another chuckle, "I'm glad you're feeling better now, babe. I was really worried about you."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Leorio. But you made me feel so much better," You give his hand a gentle squeeze, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, (Y/N). I'll always be here for you," He brings your hand up to his lips and presses multiple kisses against the back of it, "I'm just happy that you're smiling and laughing again."

You can feel your cheeks heat up at his sudden kisses, happily replying with, "All thanks to you."

"Do you want to go back to sleep? It's only 2am," Leorio asks you and you nod in response.

"Yes, I would like that," You say, before asking him with innocent eyes, "Will you hold me?"

Leorio is caught off-guard by your request, and also by how adorable you looked when asking him. However, this doesn't stop him from fervently nodding with a deep red blush crawling up his face, "O-of course!! Nothing would make me happier!"

You and Leorio get comfortable under the blankets, your head nestled against his chest and your legs entangled with one another's. He holds you tightly, almost as if he's protecting you from any other nightmares that may creep up on you.

"I love you, Leorio," Your voice comes through muffled as you're so tightly pressed against him, "So much."

Your words warm his heart and make him feel incredibly lucky to have you in his life.

"I love you even more, babe," He presses a soft kiss against your forehead, whispering in your ear, "Get some rest, (Y/N). I'll stay awake until you fall asleep so I can chase your bad dreams away."

Double-Stuffed Leoreo'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon