Secret Admirer

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"Thanks for coming to lunch with me, Kurapika," Leorio speaks up as he walks alongside his blonde-haired friend, "I thought you were gonna say that you were too busy like you usually do," He mumbles this with a pouty look present on his face.

Kurapika only shakes his head, not paying his friends overdramatic expressions any mind, "I thought I would indulge you. Besides, you said that you had news about your secret admirer."

"I do!" Leorio exclaims excitedly as they turn a corner, still walking side-by-side on the concrete sidewalk, "I still don't know who it could be, but I have some ideas."

"Have they revealed anything else about themselves?" Kurapika wonders as he glances over at his tall friend.

Leorio shakes his head, seemingly disappointed, "No. The only thing I know about them is that they go to the same college as me."

Kurapika places his hand on his chin as he seems to be deep in thought, "I see. It's strange that someone likes you so much in the first place."

"Oi! What's strange about that??" Leorio halts in place to shout in his friend's face, "I'm a really likable guy!"

"...whatever helps you sleep at night, Leorio," Kurapika remarks, much to his friend's chagrin, "You should create a situation in which they're forced to reveal themself to you."

Leorio quickly shakes his head to refuse his friend's idea, "I don't want to make them uncomfortable. I think they're really shy."

"Very well. You will only find out who they are when they want you to," Kurapika points out to him, although Leorio has already realized this. The blonde-haired man can easily read his friend by his facial expression, "It seems as if you have already come to terms with this."

"Mhm!" Leorio nods earnestly, "I'd like to meet them someday to thank them and ask them out on a date."

"Hopefully that day comes sooner than later," Kurapika replies as they finally approach their usual lunch restaurant, "I admire you for being so patient with them. This is a side of you that even I am unfamiliar with."

"I'm always patient! I'm a nice man, y'kno??" Leorio shouts obnoxiously loud as he holds the door to the restaurant open for Kurapika.

"As well as a loud man," Kurapika counters to this as he enters the restaurant with Leorio.

They have a nice lunch together, Leorio showing Kurapika the small gift and note you left for him while he was studying in the library earlier. This has been a common occurrence for Leorio now, and he can't help but smile at the fact that someone like him could have a secret admirer who seems to like him so much. The gifts are usually something small or a snack, alongside a short note. This has been ongoing for a couple of months now, and while Leorio is more than willing to wait until they show themselves to him, he still finds himself eager to meet them.

Leorio and Kurapika soon part ways, waving to each other as they walk off down the sidewalk in separate directions. Leorio holds the note in one hand, reading it over again as he walks off down the sidewalk. He heads back to his apartment for the day, finishing up some homework before watching a movie and falling asleep. 

The next day presses on normally, Leorio going from class to class, however, his thoughts still circle back to his elusive secret admirer. Although he has no idea who this person is, he can't seem to take his mind off of them. He's too distracted by his own thoughts to notice you tailing him throughout the day, trying to work up the nerves to introduce yourself to him.

When you see him getting up to leave his last class of the day, you let out a defeated sigh and decide to try introducing yourself to him another day. As you turn to leave the doorway, you bump into a random person.

Double-Stuffed Leoreo'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora