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. . .

"Rosie!!!"the Voice of the young boy rang through the room calling for his baby sister.

The boy looked around the room trying to spot his little tropple maker

" You'll never get me" screamed the little girl behind the chair at her older brother.

" Not so sure about that " the boy grin, while jumping up, pulling her down with him and start tickling her.

" St-st-stop pl-eas" the girl panted trying to catch her breath from the laughing.

" Never" the boy chuckled, still tickling the girl while laughing along with her.

. . .

I had never realized how much I missed the love and protection that my brother's gave, even when I was a little girl.

Now, standing Infront was my loving older brother who use to chase me around the house with his charming smile plastered on his face, the only difference what th smile was gone and replaced an ice cold stare.

" I asked you a question " he snapped at me when I didn't answer.

" Wow, no 'omg I miss u so much, haven't seen u in like twelve years?' instead I get a 'who are you '." I say sarcastically mocking his deep voice.

He's cold expression turn into a confused one.

" Rose?"

" In the flesh" I grin up at him.

Before I can even blink he crossed to the room and unfolded me in a hug .

" You changed ...... alot " before I can say anything else a voice cut me off.

" Atom! What's taking so long? Xavier told us to be back by now. He wants us to meet someon-" he was cut off when he finally looked up from his phone at us.

" Rosie?!" He exclaims

" Josh" I say with Equal amount of excitement.

" God I miss u" he says while hugging me tightly. I just laugh at him.

" How bout we head up .I'm starving"

They chuckled at me as we make our way to the elevator.

" So how have you been? You changed a lot" I laugh as his face. Of course I would have changed, do they expect me to look the same as I did when I was five?.

" Well puberty will do that to you" atom smile at me, while pressing our floor number and inputting the password.

The penthouse has a lock on it that needs security clearance and a password. Of course they would have security for such a fancy place.

What's weird is all the other floors don't it's just theirs. I'm mentally shrugged, I honestly don't care enough to find out why.

Too much effort.

I'm nod slightly every time Atom would look at me while he continued his rant on who knows what.

" William will be here later. He says he had some business to take care of. Dad would probably be back in a couple of days not sure when depends on how long the business trip last" I listen as he continued talking , not noticing that Josh wasn't even listening.

" That really wish he would be here to welcome you, but you know how business partners are" he signed, seems like their business partners have been giving them trouble.

"Anyways so have you seen your room?" He asked excitedly.

" It's really nice, i really like the colour scheme" I commented. I really did like it the white and light purple match together perfectly, especially with the light orange lights.

He practically squeal " I'm the one who designed it picked out the furniture and everything" he said excitedly, joy sparkling in his eyes.

" Damn. You got good taste" I said just ask the elevator door open to the penthouse

" I'm starving" Josh grunt, darting to the kitchen. I walk behind them as I hear two other unfamiliar voices from the kitchen.

Great more people.


Heres chapter 7 guys .sorry for not updating but I'm just so busy with school now I don't really have time.

I hope ur all safe with the lockdown going on and covid spreading.

But through all that I'm hoping to have some more time to write and I'm probably gonna be posing more chapters in this week.

Anyways stay safe guys. And u hope u enjoy it so far I know I'm going slow but I promise it's gonna get good.

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