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The plane ride was acually quite comfortable, but it was lonly as hell. I mean can u blame me, i was litterally the only one on the fuckin plane.

i have not seen my brother in 12 years, so i dont really remember much about them, but they can probably reconize me a mile away.

once the plane landed i litterally sprinted out of the plane, thankful that i can finally feel the ground under me. you can probably tell i hate flying, since i was a kid i never liked being of the ground.

"miss De Luca, the car is waiting for you" i looked to the man in the black suite, guessuring to the black suv next to us.

"lead the way" my vocie dripping with sarcasim, when i notice he wasnt moving.

i guess he was alittle taken my tone, by the way he rasied his eyebrows at me. He probably didnt think my attitued was like this, but im my defence i had a long trip and my legs are cold.

The black SUV had dark tinted windows. I lean my head slightly against it casually bringing my hand up to the glass.


Bulletproof. Bulletproof glass, only people who are in danger or are danger have bulletproof glass. I know my father was involved in the underground somehow I just don't know the deepts of it. I never asked my mother but I once heard my father's name around.

As far as my research shows they're are rich, billionaires. My oldest brother has taken over knight enterprise, a company that bleeds millions each day.

My father stepped down a while ago, but still helps out with the business. According to the tabloids he is a 'ruthless businessman but a caring father.'

But what does the paparazzi know. All their after is drama.

I lean back in a leather seats, watching as a scenery pass by. The traffic, the lights, the people, the buildings. I just sit and watch as they pass by in the flash.

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The suv stoped infront of a fancy buliding, and i got off with the man caring my bags behind me. Once i enter the building i suddenly self concession, even though there are only a couple of people in the lobby.

Wait when did I ever care what people through of me.

"hello, may i help you" the receptionist said to me in a rather rude tone. i looked her down and up, thight short skirt and a shirt that is practically seethrou, damn slut alert

i was taken back alittle but i decied to have some fun. on the way here i goggled my brothers and found out that they own knight enterprise with william and Xavier running it.

I also found out they own this hole building that has a penthouses on the top few floors. They also own some branches of night clubs restaurants bars. Small businesses controlled by my other brothers.

They're basically filthy rich spoiled Playboys.

hehe im gonna buy so many cars.

" yeah, what floor does the De Luca brothers live on " i ordered her like the boss bitch i am.

" what does a little girl like you what with them" she said eyeing me. if i didnt want to embares her i would have already puched her, but that will not help me so i keep a cold face showing no expression to her.

"well it isn't ur damn business so why dont you get ur plastic nose out of it, and do what i asked" i said coldly.

Sometimes these fake plastic Barbie's get on my nerves.

"how dare you, Mr. De Luca is a very busy man i dont think he has time for rude little sluts like you, what are you. Seven?" she spate angerally at me.

Her face turned as red as a tomato, I would laugh at her but then again she called me slut.

Bitch why doing you look at your self first.

i was about to reply to her but a deep voice from behind me cut me off.

"whats going on" the man said, he was wearing an expensive black suite, his sharp jaw line and perfectly styled hair added a expensive and elegant look that demands respect, he looks intimidating to others.

" n-no noting Mr- mr. De Luca" she stutter but I can see how she not so subtly push up her boobs.


"this little girl was asking for u sir, she was being rute so i was just putting her in her place" she gave me a stink eye.

Oh how I want to punch that look of her face. Then again her faces already a ugly enough.

the man looked back at me with curious eyes for a couple seconds befor relization flash through hes eyes. a grin broke out on his face while looking at me with astonishment.

"princesa" .

He says barely above a whisper smiling widely at me.

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Yee I'm so excited. I have no idea where this book is going but I'm still excited

So I changed the story a bit. There father Leonardo is alive!!

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