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i froze at the name, eventhou i cant remember much of my brothers, i do remember that nickname in particular 'princesa'.


"Xavier" for the first time in a year i smiled like acutually smiled. i guess the bitch standing here didnt her us, cause her smirk didnt falter at all, and she continued .

" sir, im sorry for her disturpence, i will have this bitch removed right away" she called two gurdes, and befor i or xavior can say anything, the man grabed my arm forcefully.

" what the hell! let me go" i shouted at the man, but befor i could do anything xavior beat me to it.

"let go of her" he said in a low inteminating voice. the man immediatly let go and step back.

" but- sir, what do you have to talk to with this slut"

The receptionist looked at me in ugly sneer across her face. Her eyes ranked my body, clear as day she's looking down on me.

"i dont have to answer to you. and Dont. You. Dare. talk to her like that again" xavior snapped at her, probably annoyed of her whinning.i smirk at her knowing she is supprised by his harsh tone.

" Mr.black-" i cut her off befor she can continue

" Just shut up already. He already said he doesn't answer to you" I smirked at her, knowing fully she's going to continue embarrassing herself.

This is going to be fun.

" How dare you. What do you think you are" she practically scream at my face.

I slightly snicker, at her expression. " Do I look like I answer to you" I fire back.

" You pathetic bitc-" I cut her off before she embarrassed herself further.

"do you know who i am" i said my smirk still plastered on my face, while she just gives me a dirty look.

" why would i need to know who u are, you little shi-" i couldnt take her stupid annoying voice anymore so i cut her off.

" im rosaline everknight Black" i made sure to emphasise the 'black' part to make sure she knows who i am. i watch as her face drops and turns to realization and shock in a second.

I can see her face change from anger to confusion, finally to realization. Her eyes widen and shock, mouth agap as she realized what she's done.

" uh-uhh mis-miss.black, im so sorry i didnt kn-"

"yeah what ever, leave so i can talk to my brother" i watch as she hurry away with her tail between her legs.

a deep chuckle pulled me out of my toughts.

"i miss u little sis" he enfolds me into a warm baer huge. befor i knew it i huged him back, enjoying the warmth. he pulled out and started guiding me to the elevator.

" so what did i miss" i ask as we reach the top floor .

" we're home" he annoyed as we step out to a beautiful penthouse.

The elevator open to two grand staircase, a visible hallway in the middle, with an overly large chandelier hanging from the top. There was a door to the right and the left of the room. Xavier guided me to the right door leading to a beautiful lounge area

"yeah. home" i mumble to myself


I hate it when others are disrespectful for no reason eventho it's there litteraly job to be nice.
I mean if you wanna be a bitch at least know who your talking to first .

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