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I stopped in front of a fancy looking restaurant. parking my car right in front, I hand my keys to the valet. I took a deep breath before stepping through the door that the waiter has opened for me. The interior of the restaurant is elegant and expensive. I wouldn't expect any less from my family.

I did need to ask for where they was seated, already spotting them at the very back of the room in the VIP area. I slowly made my way over, my red heels clicking each step I take. As I made my way through the room each table I passed stop their conversation their heads turning to the noise.

I could feel dozen eyes on me. I didn't mind attention, but I was starting to get irritated by the looks men were giving me. And the sneering faces their dates were throwing at me.
it's on my fault I look good.

After what felt like an eternity I finally reach the table. As if on cute my father turned his head towards me a smile grazing his lips.

" Sorry I'm late " I spoke as finally all the eyes at the table turned towards me. My whole family was seated there with a man and a woman I've never met before, there are also three more people there but I couldn't care to even turn their way, keeping my eyes on the strangers.

Before anyone could say anything the woman spoke up, " Michelle?" Her voice was soft but the lace with confusion and surprise.

I turned towards her, narrowing my eyes at her. All emotions dropped from my face and a cold look was left. I quickly plastered on a fake smile,
" Roseline acually. But call me rose"

I figure it's better to be nice than have to sit through a torturous dinner with my father glaring dagger at me for being rude.

She quickly shook out of her trance before a wild smile took her face. She quickly stood up and was beside me in a flash, tackling me in the humongous bear hug. I tense up, after she wouldn't let go of me for a minute I patted her back awkwardly not knowing what to do.

She finally let me go before introducing herself, " my, dear look how you've grown. So beautiful just like your mother. You probably don't remember me, the last time we saw each other it was when you were only one year old. I'm Vanessa, your mom's best friend"

I smile lightly at her. My mom always did talk about her best friend, I was so amazed of how much love she had for her. They were basically soul sisters.

The man who I assumed to be her husband stood up holding his hand out for a handshake towards me. " Antonio King, dear" he gave me a warm smile, as I shook his hand.

I look around the table noticing an empty seat next to a girl I haven't noticed before. She was staring at me, her eyes wide mouth slightly open. She looked around 17, with her forest green eyes and soft complexures.

I took a seat next to her smiling lightly. " You so pretty" she blurred out before realizing and covering her face and embarrassment.

I could hear my family chucking lightly along with her parents, as they watch our interaction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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