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"Rose we need to discuss about some rules and expectations I have for you" will said finishing his dinner and looking at me with authority and his voice.

"Shoot." I look up at him waiting for him to continue

" first rule you may not disrespect me or your brothers anything we say goes. "

"Second if you're going out anywhere you must inform us first"

"Third keep your grades up"

"Fourth no swearing drinking doing drugs or partying"

"And last under no circumstances are you allowed to date boys , and no sex"

" Understood" will finished, looking at me expecting an answer

Over my fucking dead body

" Okay first respect is not given you have to earn it. I will respect you guys only is you do the same

Second if I wanna go out I will but you are my brother's so I will text you when I'm leaving

Third my grades are always great so no need to worry

Forth I will swear if I want too, I will drink if I want too but I will inform you guys if I'm gonna so you wouldn't be worried

And last if I want to date someone I will but don't worry cause I'm over the hole dating thing.and if I wanna have sex I will cause let's be really here, you all do it" I raised my eyebrow at them daring to say otherwise.

"Touche" Josh just smirked at me.

" Those are my conditions" I look at will start in the eye .

" Deal" he nods. But I can tell that he doesn't like the last part I said.

I smile widely. No one can say no to me it's part of my charm.

"tell me some about you guys" I say

" Well Jake and i are the captain of the soccer team." Josh said proudly

"Cool. So when do I have to start school" I ask to no one specifically.

" Well you will be starting in 3 days, since it's already Thursday today, there's no point on going now " Xavier told me, sipping his whiskey.

" Oh and the guys will be taking you out to shop for your school supplies tomorrow" will told me at the head of the table.

" And tomorrow that will be returning by dinner" Xavier informed full table.

Didn't he have to go on a business trip. I would hate to admit it but I'm kind of excited to meet him, nervous too. He was in there for my childhood but he is still my father. I feel like I owe it to mom to know him.

I will probably never understand why he let her leave, but I just hope it all came from a place of love.

Mom showed me a picture of him before, I always thought I look like a carbon copy of her but clearly I got my father's hair and his eyes.

One of the reasons I always loved my eyes, it was a constant reminder of who my father was and that he will always be a part of me even though he was never in my life.

But now I hope he will be.

" Rose, hey rose" I didn't realize till now that I've been staring directly at the wall in front of me spacing out on the conversation.

" Are you okay" well as worry painted all over his face. The first emotion I saw on him till now.

" Yeah sorry I just spaced out" I smell sheeply at him, as I continue eating.

" So we have a game next week will you come" Josh asked me, hopeful in his eyes.

" I kind of have to you know. Considering I go to the same school" a smirk tug at the end of my lips, as his face slightly flush in embarrassment.

" Yeah I just me-" he was cut off by a third voice coming from the entrance of the kitchen to the dining room.

" Hello, I'm here!" A guy with dark brown hair wearing black cloths and a leather jacket came in.

His face was familiar, as I thought for a moment before it clicked.

"Rollen?" I almost could not recognize him now.

" Rosie?"


Ima try to update again by this week .

But I can't promise anything guys!!!

Anyways..... enjoy lately?

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