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" It's good to final have you home monkey" will said while releasing me from his hold.

We got back to the penthouse just in time to see will come back home.

I almost didn't recognize him. I actually almost didn't recognize any of my brother's.

I have learned that my brothers have formed a reputation of the most eligible bachelor in the city along with their Playboy ways.

To say they have earned their reputation is an understatement. I now realized that when u have a face like that it gonna be hard not to be a fuck boy.

It's not like I really have the right to say much. My mother was a beautiful women with lots of admirers in her day. And I have the luck of receiving her looks, I have been told I look indentical to her when she was younger.

I have never really known why my parents separated. I only know that for some reason my mother had to leave my father even tho they were madly in love.

A couple years ago I remember my mother getting a phone call from him, I had no idea what it was, but it hurt her deeply.

I remember her crying herself to sleep and trying to be strong Infront of me, comforting me and inside I knew she wanted to go see him.

After that day she became more closed off, I knew she still loved me but losing the love of her life clanged her. A year later we found out she had cancer.

That was about the same time I meet him. He was the only guy that didn't want me for my body but he wanted me for me. The way he looked at me the ways he talked and act towards me was how my father used to act towards my mother. When I found out my mother had Cancer he was always there helping me up when I was down.

When I found out he died my wold became dark. I drowned my self in alcohol fighting and self pity. I was at my lowest if I didn't have my best friend Jackie to remind me that I still had a mother to fight for, I don't know what I would have done.

" Rose... Rose are u listening? " I snap out of my chance when I hear will's voice calling me from the head of the table.Xavier sat on the other end.

" What ? Yeah " I respond remembering I was still having dinner with my brother's.

" I was saying how you would have to start school next week. since today is a Friday tomorrow we could spend time together and you could do your school shopping" he suggested.

" Yeah sure what school will I go too" I ask.

" You'll be going to the same school as Josh and Jake." I stopped before continuing

"They are a great above you but I have seen your record and you will probably be taking a couple classes with them due to your advanced math and biology" he answered with a proud look when he mentioned my advancements.

I have always been more advance in my subjects. Even with everything else going on in my life, my grades have never dropped.

I guess you could say I'm born smart if that doesn't sound to cocky.

I just not in response.

" So rose what's been going on in ur life back in Cali" Josh ask generally curious from besides me.

" What do you wanna know" I shrug causally.

" Do you miss any of your friends back home?" It was now atom that asked sitting across from me.

I look around eveyone seems to be listening to our conversation.

" Well....yeah I miss my close friends and I definitely miss Jackie and her annoying morning calls" I chuckled while thinking about my crazy best friend.

" Jackie?" Xavier asked confused of who she is .

" She's my best friend. She's always been there for me. She was the one who introduced me to as-" I stopped before I could say his name.

It hurts to much to think about, let alone say it to others, especially too people you haven't seen in twelve years.

I look up to everyone staring at me expecting an answer I just shake my head and understanding looks crossed there faces knowing I didn't want to talk about it.

Only if they knew what I really thought, but how would they. They don't know the first thing about me.


Another chapter for y'all.

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