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The room was so silent, I could practically hear everyone's individual breath. The fourth guy that tried to challenge me laid on the ground unconscious blood all over his body.

His face was bruised up blood dripping from his nose in the corner of his mouth, his white T-shirt soaked in crimson red and dirt from the ground. I look at his body, my eyes dead set on him, not an ounce of regret.

Him and the other idiots dare to challenge me when they knew what I was capable of. It's not my fault they don't know how to use their brains. That is if they have one.

I turn around walking out of the ring after I was named champion yet again, my bare shoulder and arms covered in blood from different people. At least they weren't dead, this time.

I left four grown men, three times my size, unconscious. Yet I walk away with only a slightly bruised cheekbone and a small cut at the corner of my lips. One of them hit me pretty hard around my ribs, probably leaving a bruise. It's not anything I'm not used to.

After years of fighting, bruises and cuts seem like nothing now. Getting stabbed or shot seem like a daily event to me in the past years. Most of them healed.some left scars as a reminder. I've never been ashamed of them, they're a part of who I am and what I am.

Yet it always seemed to be the emotional scar, that leaves me broken.

This sky was even darker than before, pitch black. I knew I was going to be in some deep shit when I got back, but at least I got a few moments of clarity. White smoke fog out of my mouth from the cold air. Few people loomed around the streets.

I walk past a probably drunken man smoking. The site made my lungs burned in anticipation. I hadn't had a cigarette in a long time, due to my bad habit of always turning to them when in stress. every time I see someone doing it it brought a sense of longing to me.

I turned down to the empty Street, spotting my home a few blocks away. The streets seem to be more livelier every step I took away from the bad side of town, to the one crawling with riches.

I spot a few black cars with dark tinted windows still around. Looks like daddy dearest is home.

This should be good.

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