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So I just realized there might be some confusion about rose's father. He's alive and healthy. I haven't had time to go back and fix it yet but I will soon.

Okay enjoy:)

Okay enjoy:)

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"Where were you" the first of many questions thrown at me the moment I entered the room.

The thumping in the ear gets louder each step I took. I ignore their pestering voices until I get to the staircase, turning back around to face them.

" out" i swiftly walked past them, dodging the multiple eyes on me.

" where are you going? Dinners almost ready" Xavier spoke from his spot behind the counter, wiping his hands down with a clean rag.

" to my room. I'm not hungry" I manage to mumble out, continuing my  way up the staircase.

I feel as if the walls around me are closing in, trapping me with no escape. With trembling hands I reach under my bed, searching for my mini safe in my fake book.

My whole body aches from the over exertion. I'm exhausted, but my mind won't stop overthinking. The anxiety I've repressed all day finally bubbling over.

I search for my rolling paper, pulling out a little bag of kush, and start rolling a joint. Weed helps drown out the annoying voices in my head, providing me with a few moments of clarity.

I open my balcony doors wide, stepping out into the cold windy night. I place the joint between my lips and I light it, inhaling the smoke deep into my lungs. The burning in my throat sends a feeling of familiarity and comfort as I relax taking another hit. Even in the city, the stars shin extremely bright on the dull darkness of night. I sometimes wonder if what she said was true.

" mom" the figure of a tall lanky women sits on the far end of the balcony, perched on a small white couch placed there. Her pale white fingers clutched on the mug In her hands tightly, slightly shaking due to the harsh wind.

Thought her face is pale of any colors, the moment she hears the little girls voice, a bright, but tried smile spread on her face. " hi sweetie. Why aren't you asleep." She spoke carefully, watching the little girl, wrapped in a thic blanket, slowly climb onto the spot next to the women, quickly wrapping the blanket around the both of them before letting out a sigh.

" what are you looking at" she tipped her head back, looking for what the women was watching. Her attention was captivated by the millions of tiny twinkling light in the dark sky.

" stars are balls of energy, light, floating millions and millions miles away. Yet noting can hide its brightness away. Just like you" she turned towards the younger girl, a painful expression spreading on her face.

" but why do you have to hide me? Are bad people looking for us?" Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes as she stares at her mother expectedly.

" people are anyways gonna be after your light rosie, their going to try to dim and extinguish your fire, but you can't let them."

" never let them get too close" she knew it was vague, especially for a child to hear, but she doesn't know how long she has to teacher her daughter these things. Rosie's confused eyes followed her mother, as her slim figure made her way to the door, before disappearing from sight. Leaving the young girl confused, dazzling up at the bright stars in the sky.

End of flashback

I can't help my mind from wondering back to the hazel green eyes, that belonged to the dashing stranger. The way his rough callous hands ran down my side, and how he's hard body felt against me. I can feel the blush rising on my cheeks, tinting my whole body a flushed pink.

I can't resist the smile creeping onto my lips, as I think about everything that happened tonight. Making my way over to the large queen sized bed, I fall asleep almost instantly as my head hits the pillow, allowing sleep to finally consume me.

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What you guys think so far?
A little short, sorry
Again thank you for reading

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