Chapter 20

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It has been an hour since Cole left and I'm still in the same place he left me, leaning against the wall near the stairs.

"Come on, dear, let's go get you comfortable," Marie says gently, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nod, absentmindedly. I'm too scared for Cole right now, I can't be bothered with getting myself comfy. She leads me further into the room, or whatever you'd call this, passing families who smile and wave their thanks as I pass. I smile back at them, but I'm sure even they can tell it's strictly forced.

"Hannah, Cole will be fine. Okay? You've got nothing at all to worry about. He's the best fighter out there, and can take on multiple wolves at once. It's ok," Marie reassures me. It only slightly helps, but at least it's something.

I sit down on a blanket she lays out for me, my legs folded underneath me. I pick at my nails, noticing the leftover nail polish from months ago at the salon. I vaguely remember that day, out with my best friend.

Her name was Skylar, and she was always there for me. She never knew about my dad's abusings, but she knew something went on at my home. She just never asked, respecting my private business. That was the main reason I loved her.

It was her birthday that day, and we spent the day shopping, getting manicures and pedicures, and flirting with hot guys. It was one of the best days of my miserable life, actually.

As I scratch off the remaining polish, I wonder how Skylar is doing. Is she ok? Is she worried about me? Did that one guy she flirted with- what was his name? Braden?- call and ask her out yet?

A pretty, female voice brings me out of my nostalgic thoughts. "Hey there, you're Hannah, right?"

I look up to see a beautiful, slender girl standing in front of me, with her hand outstretched. I force a small smile and stand up, then shake her hand. "Yup, I'm pretty sure that's me."

She laughs, "Awesome. I'm Hadlee, Jared's mate."

"It's nice to meet you," I reply with a smile.

Now that I'm standing, I can see her better, and I'm awestruck by her beauty. She's tall and slender, but I could see she had bit of muscle too. Her hair is a long copper color with beach waves, and her eyes a striking green. Her face has a slight heart shape, adding a kind of 'sweetheart' look to her.

"It's great to meet you. I've been dying for Cole to find a mate; do you know how boring he was before he met you? Now he's all happy-go-lucky, and it's almost suffocating! And now I actually have someone to hang out with at all those boring meetings!" She rambles on and on, making me shake my head and laugh.

I knew if we got to hang out more, we'd eventually be great friends.

"So, are you worried about Cole? Because I am soo freaking worried about Jared. Hell, the only time I ever ramble is when I'm absolutely and utterly nervous out of my wits," she laughs nervously, rubbing her arm.

I send her a small smile, "Yeah, I'm scared out of my mind as well. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life, actually."

"I know, right?! Like, what if they get hurt or something??"

"You know, you're not really helping," I say, letting out a small laugh.

"I know, I'm sorry," she replies and smiles apologetically.

"You're fine," I wave it off, then gesture for her to sit on the blanket next to me.

She obliges, and sits next to me with her legs crossed.

"So, how long have you and Jared been together?" I ask curiously. I wanted to talk and get to know her better, and I figured this was a safe topic.

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