Chapter 31

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Waking up has never been such a chore. Not even waking up after a bad beating has hurt this bad. My whole body is wracking with pain, and my head feels like it's being pelted with large stones.

Not fun.

As I open my eyes, I'm almost blinded by the bright white light that comes ito view immediately. The walls are completely white, and there's a counter against the wall with a sink and lots of doctors' tools on it. I'm laying on a not-so-comfy mattress, with my ankles and wrists strapped to the edges. Where in the world am I?

The events from earlier come rushing back into my mind, and I can feel my heart sink in despair. I'm probably in their hospital, waiting to be taken to my father. That's what this must be.

Other questions come to mind as well, like: How long have I been out? Where are all the others?

Is Cole alright?

I remember trying to find him- that's the reason I was out in the first place- but I never did. I was attacked twice before I even reached any familiar face. I have no idea what happened to anyone.

"-I demand to see my daughter!" A familiar female voice screams from somewhere outside the doors.

Who is that? AsI wrack my brain trying to figure out who the voice belongs to, I hear quick footsteps, as if someone is running, outside the door. Then the doorknob is juggled, causing my body to jerk in surprise.

"You have no right to go in there," another voice snarls loudly.

Wait. I know that voice.

It's Cole!

I thrash against my restraints, trying to rip them off, but to no avail. They hold firm, making me want to scream in frustration. Why am I strapped down anyways? Did Cole do this?

Hurt floods my mind at the mere thought of Cole ordering for me to be tied down, but the more logical side of my brain protests that if he did, he must've had a good reason to. He wouldn't just tie me down like some wild animal for no reason, would he?

Suddenly the door bursts open, and this time I really do scream out loud. A woman rushes in, running towards me. Her hair is flying wildly about her face, blocking me from seeing who she is.

"Hannah! My baby, are you ok? Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! How can you ever forgive me?" The woman wails, sobbing as she kneels down beside my cot.

Cole comes running in behind her, looking angrier than I've ever seen him. He grabs the woman and yanks her up, so that I can finally see her face.

It's Lacey. My step-mother.

Straining to sit up as far as the restraints will let me, I stare her dead in the eye, practically growling. "Excuse me? If I recall right, just a couple days ago, you were calling me a slut and hoping I die. How dare you run in here like that, calling me your baby and apologizing?"

Her expression falls at my words, showing off a hurt expression.

Yeah, 'hurt' my ass. She's probably wishing I was dead, wishing she wasn't having to put up this whole act of being worried.

"How can you say things like that?" She whispers, and I scoff at her words.

"How can I say things like that? How can you say the things you said to me the other day, huh? Despite everything, that still hurt. A lot, ok?"

"I'm sorry, I had no idea what I was saying. I-"

I cut her off, not wanting to hear a word she has to say. "Stop. Just stop, please. Leave me alone, and never come back here. I never want to hear, see, or think of you again."

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