Chapter 10

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~Chapter 10~

We were on our way to supper and we still hadn't said a word to eachother. Well, obviously we hadn't. He agreed to the deal and if he dared to talk to me, I'd be on my way home. And if I dared to talk to him, I'd become his Luna. Neither of us wanted to lose, I was sure of that much.

I also knew that he was super angry. I pushed his buttons to get him to agree, and I knew he regretted it. I knew he didn't mean what he said earlier about me being annoying, but it still really hurt. And, if I was ever going to be Luna, I wasn't going to put up with him being like this. I wanted an honest husband, that's loving and caring. Somehow, I don't think saying I'm a bother to him is loving or caring. Ha.

We arrived in the room where I was introduced to the pack, with the long tables and everything. I guess this was the dining room. Duh, Hannah, I thought to myself.

"Hannah! Come sit over here, dear!" I turned in the direction of the voice and found Marie, Cole's mom, waving me over to a seat next to her. I speed-walked over there, eager to get away from Cole. It was getting to be really uncomfortable with him not talking to me and everything. Not to mention I was still hurting.

Oh my gosh Hannah, toughen up a bit, will you? I thought to myself. You act as if you're in love with the guy.

That thought made me freeze in my tracks. I didn't love Cole; not yet anyways. I couldn't. Number one, he kidnapped me. I know I said I was over it, but honestly? He could've done it in a much nicer way, in my opinion. Number two, I haven't even known him long enough to fall in love with him. It takes longer than a week or so to fall in love with someone, doesn't it? I wouldn't know because I've never been in love, but I've always thought it had to take awhile. Right?

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Marie ask, to no one in particular.

"She has these moments. I say she's daydreaming about me, but she always denies it. We all know who's right here though," Cole chuckled.

I whirled on him, ready with a comeback on the tip of my tongue, when I realized what he'd done. He was trying to get me worked up, so I'd yell at him! And that would mean I'd lose our bet. That little-

"Ohh, okay. I see," Marie smiled knowingly.

I ignored them and went to sit down at my seat. I needed to more careful. Although I did like Cole (as a friend, of course) , I missed home. Meaning my mom and friends. I also wanted to see if Cole was actually serious about this- if he actually wanted me to stay. I hoped this wasn't selfish of me..

I snapped myself back to reality and saw that everyone was seated. And silent. That's odd.. Just a second ago, everyone was chattering among themselves. Now it was dead silent.

I looked around to see if I could find out what caused this change and not a second later, I saw it.

Cole was standing at the head of the table looking around to see if everyone was paying attention. When he was satisfied, he spoke. "As I'm sure you all have noticed, today is a very special day." Everyone clapped and cheered, until Cole held up his hand to silence them, smiling slightly. "While I was back at the pack house, I met an outstanding girl. And she just so happened to be my mate, which I'm extremely lucky for. Her name is Hannah Jansen and she's 17 years old. Even though she is young, I expect you all to respect and be kind to her. If I hear that anyone has gone against my wishes, I will personally see to it that they are no longer part of this pack. Am I clear?" Everyone nodded, smiling.

I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks. Even though I knew they meant well, I hated having everyone's attention on me. It made me feel small and insecure. Looking down, I began playing with my fingers and wishing for it to get over with.

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