Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Whoever is reading this story, please comment and tell me how you feel about it so far! Maybe give me a couple ideas as to what you want to see happpening in this book! :) Anyways, on with the story ;)

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"Seriously though Hannah, can I come in?" He asked, no trace of playfulness in his voice anymore.

"Say the magic word, and then maybe you can." I told him. I didn't really care if I was being snotty. He was being a jerk.


"Please what?"

"I hate you." I heard him mutter under his breath. I smirked. He sighed. "Please, can I come in?"

"I don't know, can you?" Inside, I was laughing at him. It was so easy to annoy him and get under his skin.

"You're lucky I'm feeling nice today, because if I wasn't, that door would be on the ground in pieces. Again," he snapped, trying to sound threatening. He's feeling NICE today? Wow, I'd hate to see him when he's feeling mean then.

"Ooh I'm so scared." I mocked.

"Just open the damn door, Hannah!"

"Aw, is someone getting mad? It's not my fault that number one - you're not patient, and number two - you have zero manners whatsoever."

I could hear him sighing behind the door. "Please, may I come in?"

"Nope." I smiled sweetly and flopped down on the bed.

"Are you kidding me, Hannah?" He asked, sounding frustrated and tired. A second later, I heard the thud as he leant against the door. 

"Nope." I repeated.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

"Good. Wait, it's only like," I looked at the digital clock beside the bed, "noon!"

"I don't care. I'm too tired to stay awake." I heard his footsteps leading down the hallway to his door.

An evil smile crept onto my lips when I realized that since he was going to bed, I could sneak out and get away from this place. 

Yes! I am so proud of you Hannah! I thought joyfully.

I looked over at Sammie who was asleep. She looked peaceful and I felt guilty about having to wake her, but if we were going to escape, it had to be done. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "Sammie, c'mon, wake up." I nudged her gently.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me cocking her head, probably wondering why the heck I woke her up. I smiled apologetically and walked over to the door, gesturing for her to follow, and she did. I was thankful I didn't have to go over there and drag her out the door. Believe me- it doesn't end well.

I peered out into the hallway to make sure he wasn't still there. He wasn't.

I led her out and quietly tip-toed toward the stairs. This is way too easy, I thought, smiling to myself. I could be like a ninja or a spy when I grow up! I almost laughed at that; I sounded like a 5 year old rather than a 17 year old.

Right when we got to the bottom of the stairs, Sammie started barking and growling. What the hell, Sam?! I glared down at her in frustration that she started barking when we were so close to escaping. I grabbed her collar and ran through rooms, trying to find a door that might lead outside. Opening a random door, I almost jumped for joy when I found it led outside. I ran out, with Sammie still barking, but at least she was following me.

"Leaving, are we?" Tyler just appeared in front of me, like he did in the kitchen the last time I tried to escape.

I glared up at him, trying to hide my confusion. "Yes, we are. So, if you'd be a gentleman and step out of our way, we'd gladly be on our way and out of your hair." I smiled up at him, innocently and sweetly.

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