Chapter 30

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~Hannah's P.O.V.~

I wake up freezing, immediately sensing a lost presence by my side. Looking over, my suspicions are confirmed.

Cole is gone.

Feeling hurt and worried, I climb out of bed and look in the bathroom. He's not in there.

Why would he leave after a night like last night? Had I done anything wrong? Oh my...what if I was bad in bed?

Oh shush, my wolf chides, maybe he just had some pack matters to deal with.

I hope so, I answer sadly.

Feeling lazy, I throw my hair in a messy bun; a real messy bun, not those cute ones that a lot of teenage girls like to do. Next, I find a pair of matching undergarments and put them on, along with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I stand in front of the door, contemplating on whether I should just wait for him to get back, or if I should go find him. Or, at least find someone who knows where he is.

Deciding to go and make sure he's not hurt, I open the door and step out into the hallway before I can change my mind. It's quiet in the hallway; almost too quiet. Usually there are other shifters wandering around, or kids playing around and chasing each other. Not today, though, and it doesn't feel right at all.

I pick up my pace, feeling on the verge of panicking. Something happened, I know it. Why else would this place be so quiet and feel so haunted?

The main room is empty as well, which is the complete opposite of it's normal state. I feel as if I'm in some haunted house, wandering around before the chainsaw guy jumps out of nowhere.

My body shivers as goosebumps spread across my skin, and I rub my arms to try to distract myself from the hundreds of horrible conclusions forming in my head.

Oh, how I wish I could mind-link on my own. I did once with Cole, but he's the one who had initiated it, not me. It can't be too different, can it?

Figuringit's worth a try, I close my eyes and concentrate on speaking telepathically with Cole.

However, all I seem to get in return is this huge, unmovable barrier. As if his mind is shutting me out.

Panicking slightly, I sprint up the stairs that lead up to the cover house. I swing the door open and rush out, preparing myself for the worst.

The sight before me as I come out of the house is gruesome, and I cringe at the scene. Naked, bloody and maimed bodies lay on the ground as far as my eyes can see. None of them are faces that I recognize however, and I'm grateful for that.

At first I can't hear anything, but soon I start to hear screams and howls coming from deep in the forest. Anxious, I run in the direction of the sounds, doing my best to dodge the fallen bodies.

I'm almost at the source of all the noise, when suddenly I'm tackled to the ground out of nowhere. A cold, forceful hand clamps over my mouth when I scream, and the other hand holds both my wrists above my head.

I struggle against their grip, but to no avail. They roll me onto my back, and I'm finally able to see my attacker. He's not familiar, but I know instantly he's part of my father's army. He was probably sent to come and get me, then bring me to my father.

Or kill me.

With newfound determination, I bring my knee up to the guy's southern area, causing him to instantly let go of me and double over in pain. Not wanting to waste any time, I scurry to my feet and sprint even deeper into the forest.

I need to find Cole, are the only thoughts rolling through my mind as I run, keeping my eyes open for any signs of him, or any other familiar face.

A flash of brown catches my eye off to my left, and I come to a halt in my tracks. Carefully, I scan the area, trying to find the object that caught my attention in the first place.

A rustle in the trees sounds behind me, and I whip around. In front of me stands a man, tall and dark-skinned. He's unfamiliar, so I know he's part of the enemy's army. He towers above me, easily being over six foot in height, and his dark brown eyes scan me up and down. I cower underneath his gaze, knowing for a fact that if it came to a fight, I wouldn't be the one coming out alive.

"Are you Hannah Jansen?" His deep voice rumbles in question.

"I am," I nod, straightening my back and holding my head a bit higher. Even if it does come down to a fight, I'll go down with dignity, and with a fight, I decide.

"I've been ordered by your father to come fetch you," he states, matter-of-factly.

Well, he can go tell my father, matter-of-factly, that I'm not going. "Excuse me? Did you just say 'fetch' me?" I ask, incredulous. I'm most certainly not a dog.

"You'll come with me of your own will, unless you wish for me to do this the hard way," he responds icily, ignoring my last comment.

"Listen buddy, I'm not coming with you of my own will, or yours. You think you can just walk in and act like you own me and boss me around, but newsflash, you can't!" I stand my ground, glaring at him to show I'm completely serious.

Suddenly he lunges at me, taking me by surprise. I barely stumble out of the way, taking a defensive stance behind him. He spins around and snarls, crouching down in a fighting stance as well.

Fear wells up inside me, nearly overwhelming my whole being. What if I can't beat him? He'll either kill me, or take me to my father, and then what? What happens to Cole, if he's even still alive? I can't let that happen; I will win, no matter what.

Mr. Tall Dude lunges at me again, and this time tackles me to the ground. My head snaps back and hits a rock, making me scream in pain. Before the pain can fully take over my senses, I punch him as hard as I can in the jaw. His head automatically snaps to the side and his grip loosens, giving me just enough time to scramble out of his clutches.

He stands, and stalks over to wear I stand, horrified.

Move, I urge myself, before he gets to you. My mind screams at me to get out of there, but my feet don't listen to my mind and stay rooted to the spot.

By now he's less than ten feet in front of me, looking murderous. I'm terrified out of mind, and unable to move an inch.

Why do I always get myself into these situations?

Just as he charges toward me, almost plowing me to the ground, my mind jumps into action. I'm slightly too late though, and his body knocks into my shoulder, and sends me flying into a nearby tree. My head smacks the tree trunk, and a burst of pain rushes up my spine.

As I shake my head and open my eyes, trying to regain composure, I see my attacker coming at me again.

Pain is surging throughout my whole entire being, numbing my limbs and dulling my senses in the meantime. Come on, Hannah, I nearly snarl at myself, trying to force myself onto my feet.

Suddenly, a sharp and searing hot stab of agonizing pain hits me in the side, causing me to scream and double over. Another hit gets me in the leg, and finally, something large and solid pummels me in the temple.

I'm out cold instantly.

I'm sorry, Cole.. I tried.


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