Chapter 1

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I woke up sitting uncomfortable on a hard, wooden chair. My hands were tied behind the back of the chair, my ankles were tied together, and I was gagged. I guess whoever brought me here really didn't want me to move.

I squirmed around, trying to loosen the hold it had on my hands since it was really starting to hurt, but to no avail.

That's when I noticed something.

My dog, Sammie, laid in a corner. She was oozing blood and wasn't really moving, but I saw her chest rise and fall really slow. I thanked God she was still alive, but seeing her bleeding made a surge of emotions run through me. I was pissed off, ready to put an end to whoever did this to my baby. I was also almost hysterical, devastated at the state she was in.

Breathe, I told myself, there's nothing you can do to help her now. Just wait.

Tearing my gaze away from my poor dog, I looked around the room. A king sized bed sat beside the chair I sat in. There was a walk-in closet over by a door which I assumed was the bathroom. A leather black couch sat in front of the bed, with a huge flat screen tv mounted on the wall in front of it. The room in general was huge - it was probably about the size of half a basketball court. Whoever owned this room, I thought, is rich. I know because I am rich- or was. I had no idea where I was, why I was here, or how I got here.

Sammie stirred in her sleep, then her eyes slowly fluttered open. Her deep brown eyes shifted to me. I could see the pain in her eyes, and I couldn't help but start crying. I felt so useless right now, because I couldn't do anything to help her- my best friend. She whimpered and rested her head on her paws in front of her.

I tried to open my mouth to tell her it'd be okay, but the gag held strong. I twisted my head over and over to try and get it loose. Soon, it was loose enough so that if I craned my neck far enough, it'd slip down a little ways.

When it did, I reassured Sammie that it'd be alright, then started to scream for help. I screamed until my throat felt like I swallowed a bucket of needles.

Sammie barked and paced weakly around the room; a couple times she'd come by me and bite at the ties that held my wrists together behind the back of the chair. I twisted and turned until they came loose. I almost jumped for joy when they fell from my wrists. Sammie looked at me with a look of confusion, I just smiled reassuringly.

I looked around for any windows that I could climb out of. There was none. It was like a jail cell, and I couldn't get out. I sat back down on the chair and contemplated on what to do.

I mean, I wasn't hurt. I was just locked in a really stylish bedroom. If I wasn't in this situation, I know I'd definitely being exploring around here. Why not, I thought, might as well, since I might be here for a while. And with those thoughts, I stood up and walked over to the closet. Yes, the closet. I wanted to know if my kidnapper was a guy or a girl. Or both. I walked in and looked around. All the clothes were neatly hung up or put in drawers. Not a single thing looked untidy or dirty.

Sighing, I walked over to the racks of clothes. There were jeans, slacks, t-shirts, and dress shirts. And they were all men's clothes. Underneath the clothes were shoes, neatly lined up on the floor.

Trying to calm my nerves, I walked back into the bedroom. Flopping down on the leather couch, I turned on the television and tried to keep my mind off the fact that I was kidnapped by a guy. What if he wanted to rape me? Or kill me? Or worse, torture me?

But, why? I mean, I didn't do anything to anyone. I was just a normal teenage girl with friends who went to school and got good grades. I didn't do anything to anger anyone, at least I hoped not. Maybe one of my teachers? Oh no.. Did Mr. Smith figure out about that time when my friends and I were in his classroom, putting tacks on his chair? It was only for fun! I yelled inside my head. Everyone else thought it was funny when he sat down and screamed like a little girl! I almost smiled at the memory. Everyone was laughing their heads off, so much that I was almost sure they would literally fall off.

Held For Ransomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें