Chapter 9

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After a bit more wandering around, I went back into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I was exhausted. After driving a couple hours, getting attacked at a gas station, and meeting the whole pack, I was ready to call it a day.

I looked over at the glowing alarm clock. It was only 5 PM. Ugh.. Maybe Cole would let me go to bed early.

No... He'd want me to have supper with him and the pack. So, I'd have to wait until after supper- whenever supper even started. They could be those late-supper kind of people who didn't eat until like 7:30 or 8:00. Ugh, I honestly hope not.

Just then, the door opened again. I jerked my head in the direction of the noise, kind of freaked out. What? I was in a new place, and anyone could walk in and kill me or something. After what happened earlier at the station, I wouldn't be surprised.

But, it turned out only to be Cole. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's up with you?" He asked, walking over to where I lay on the bed.

"Nothing," I muttered, a bit embarrassed for being so jumpy.

"You sure?" He persisted, sitting beside me and starting to rub my shoulders.

I wanted to slap his hands away, thinking this was too much like what a couple would do, but it felt too good. I was so tense before, but with him massaging my shoulders, I was slowly relaxing.

"Yes.. No.. I don't know," I answered vaguely.

He chuckled, obviously amused at my distress.

"It's not funny," I glared at him.

"Maybe if you tell me what's wrong, I won't laugh at you. How's that?" He suggested, turning slightly serious.

"I don't know, Cole. It could be nothing at all."

"And it could be something huge. So, just tell me and we'll figure it out together, okay? We're mates, Hannah."

"Fine. But, I'll bet that you're just going to laugh at me."

"And I'll bet I won't. I promise, babe."

I blushed at the pet name, but sighed heavily and took a deep breath before going on, "It's just what happened earlier at the gas station. The attack kind of freaked me out and now I'm a little paranoid about every noise that I hear. I know it's stupid, but you asked."

I looked away, trying to hide my embarrassment, when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to them. I leaned in against his chest and breathed in his scent. I swear, I could live off his scent, it was so amazing.

"That's not stupid at all Hannah. That's actually a very good reason to be a bit scared. But I promise you, nothing will happen to you here. The pack and I will make sure of that. I promise," Cole assured me, kissing the top of my head.

I blushed slightly and smiled at him, "Thank-you."

"You bet," he winked.

Laughing, I pushed him away from me so I could get up. That, however, did not work very well. He had a strong hold on me, so I just ended up falling back into his chest. I looked up at him, only to find him staring at me with a smirk and glint in his eye.

"Butthead," I mutter, trying again.

He just laughed at me and shook his head, amused. "Where are you going anyways?" he asked.

"Away from you, obviously," I state, glaring at him.


"Because I feel like it, that's why," I retort, struggling against his grip. "Why are you so darn strong?!"

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