Chapter 5

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I waited in his bedroom while he dug around in his closet for a shirt.

I knew I'd worn his shirt once before, but that was before I knew what a complete jerk he was. And like I said, I was totally overreacting.

He came out a couple seconds later holding a dark red Pepsi shirt. I sighed, it'll have to do.

I took it from him and started back towards my room. No way was I spending any more time with him. I think one minute a day should be the maximum amount of time to spend with him. Two minutes- absolutely not. One could get some serious health problems from doing that. I mean, look at me. I'm already losing my sanity!

A hand wrapped around my wrist and brought me to a halt. "Wait," Tyler pleaded.

I turned around and glared at him. "What?" I snapped.

"I.. Uh.. Um.. I'm sorry, for being a jerk.. A-And all the mood changes," he stammered. He sounded so genuine, I wanted to believe him. I really did. But I knew better than that. I'd been hurt too many times for believing lies. I refused to go through that again.

I looked at him again, feeling torn between two options. Believe him, or avoid the pain. Well, we all know what happens when you do the former.

"If you were sorry for anything, you'd take me back home, unharmed." I replied, my voice barely more than a whisper.

He also looked torn, like he was having a mental battle with himself. "I'm sorry for that too. You wouldn't understand," He sighed, looking away from me. 

That's it. That was all he had to say to lose any chances of me actually believing him. Ha! Believing him? How could I be that stupid?

"Really, Tyler? I wouldn't understand? You haven't explained anything to me!! If you were sorry, you would take me back to my home! If you were sorry, you'd also explain why you kidnapped me! You wouldn't be saying 'Oh, Hannah, I'm sorry. I can't tell you why though. Okay? Bye.'" I finished, glaring at him.

There was nothing I hated more than people saying I wouldn't 'understand' when they haven't even given me a chance to. If anything, they were the ones who didn't understand. And sympathy! My gosh, no one died! And even if someone did, a hug would be just fine! I don't need stupid sympathy from anyone. Not anymore.

"Alright! You want me tell you what's going on? I will! But you have to tell me something in return, and when I do tell you, you better not run off, scared!" He shouted at me.

Him shouting at me kinda scared me, but not a whole lot. I was more scared about what he said. What did he mean I had to tell him something in return? What would he want to know?

"Fine." I answered, defiantly. I was no wussy, I wouldn't get scared at anything he had to tell me. I've seen horror movies, and at the parts where my friends would scream, I'd just laugh it off like it was no big deal.

Confusion seemed to flash across his features. He probably didn't expect me to say that, I smirked mentally.

The next thing he did though, was definitely something I didn't expect.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. More like a wall, I thought.

My breath hitched and my face heated up when his hands brushed my lower back. I wasn't embarrassed about my body or anything, I just definitely wasn't expecting it. And, even though I admit he was pretty hot, that doesn't mean I like him. I don't. At all.

"Go change. Then come back in here and I'll tell you everything." He muttered, his voice soft and husky.

I nodded and pulled away from his arms. Surprisingly, I was a bit disappointed at being away from him.. Wait! No! I was happy to be away from him! Ecstatic, even!

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