Chapter 13

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"Is there something wrong babe?" Cole asked, and sat next to me on our bed.

I shook my head and forced a smile again. It seemed to work, because he just smiled and nodded, then kissed my forehead again. "I'm gonna go shower. I'll be right back."

"Okay," I replied, keeping up the mask.

He walked into the connected master bathroom, but left the door open.

I stared up at the ceiling, attempting to organize my thoughts and get them orderly. It didn't work, of course. I'd never been good at thinking things through. I was sure we all know that by then.

After ten minutes of meaningless staring at the ceiling, Cole emerged from the bathroom, a towel draped low on his hips.

Trying not to stare at his rock hard abs and chest, I averted my eyes upward to his face. Can you guess what graced his lips at that exact moment?

Yes, a smirk.

"Like what you see?" He asked, his tone arrogant. Well then.

"Nope," I repleid, popping the 'P' and giving him a smirk of my own.

Big mistake.

He dropped his towel, causing me to instantly shriek and cover my eyes. Seconds later, I heard a zipper being pulled up, and I uncovered my eyes. He was now standing in front of me in just a pair of jeans (that looked very sexy on him, I might add).

Then, he started crawling toward me on the bed, to the far edge where I laid.

As soon as he was practically hovering over me, he said, "I'm sorry. I think I heard you wrong. What was that again?"

I gulped. Uhh, what now? "What was the question again?" I asked, lamely.

He smirked. Of course. We can't forget the precious smirk now, can we? "The question was," he began, then brushed his nose against my jaw, trying to seduce me.

It was kind of working.

"Do you like what you see?" He finished.

"Umm," was my stupid reply.

"Do you?" He urged, more forcefully this time.

"Yes," I whispered, so soft I barely heard myself.

But he did. Of course he did, he's part wolf, and they had those keen senses.

But noo, he just chose to torture me even more.

"I can't hear you," he growled in my ear.

"You heard me just fine," I argued, refusing to let any more of my dignity disappear.

This time he sat up, grinning mischievously. "You're right, I did."

I glared at him, "Bonehead."

He stared at me for approximately 3 seconds, before bursting out laughing. "Bonehead? Really?" He managed to get out, before bursting into hysterics once more.

I blushed, "What? It was the best I could come up with at the moment. And I don't think you want me calling you any colorful words, because I can do that too. I know quite a lot of them, and I'd be more than happy to use them, but I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you're being a meanie, so maybe I would, but-" Something warm and soft came down on my lips just then, cutting off my rambling. Crap, I was rambling. Well..that's embarrassing. But, back to the matter at hand. 

My eyes, that I didn't even realize I had shut, flew open. Cole was in front of me, right in front of me, actually. He was kissing me!

His lips moved slowly, kissing mine tenderly. I immediately responded, so he didn't feel like I was rejecting him. His arms circled my waist while he pulled me closer, and I encircled mine around his neck. His lips moved faster, and I matched his pace, moving mine with his. Kissing him was pure bliss; I felt like no one could ever hurt me when he was there.

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