Chapter 19

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"Hannah!! Come on, wake up! We need to go!"

I swat at the hands that are on my shoulders, shaking me. "Go where..? I'm perfectly comfortable right here...gimme five minutes.." I mumble, ripping my pillow away when I feel it being pulled and stuffing it under my head.

Honestly, can't a girl get a good night's sleep around here?

"Hannah! Wake up, now!" The voice yells, in an authoritative tone. That jerks me awake, and I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"What in the world do you want?" I look over at the glowing red numbers on my alarm clock, "At 2 in the morning?!" I glare at Cole in the dim light, trying to focus on the fact he woke me up and not that he's only in a pair of pj bottoms with no shirt. Therefore, leaving his nice, sculpted six-pack on display.

He gives me a look of apology, before his expression turns into one of utmost urgency and terror. "We need to go. Right now. They're coming, Hannah."

I know exactly who he's talking about. For the past three weeks, since my first shift, the pack has been detecting unknown scents around the area, getting closer each and every time.

Just a couple days ago, they'd found a scent just two miles _ of here.

"They're coming? Here?" I ask, immediately paling. I'd known it'd come, and I've been preparing for it.

But, truth is, I don't think you can ever be fully prepared for this kind of thing. Nothing prepares you for the possibility of losing people who are practically family. A family I've grown quite close to since I came here. Now, when there's a chance of losing even one of them, I am completely, and utterly, terrified.

"Yes, now come on. We only have about an hour or so, and the pack is a disaster," Cole urges, gripping my arm and pulling me out of bed. Luckily, I'd worn pajama pants and a sweatshirt to bed, and not something skimpy like shorts and a tank top.

He leads me out of our room and ushers me down the hall, and soon enough, I see the rest of the pack moving in the same direction. "Where are we going?" I whisper, trying not to let my nerves leak into my voice. I'm scared, yes, but I need to be brave for the rest of the pack.

I am the Luna, after all.

"The arena. There's a couple loose boards in one of the far corners, that open and lead further underground. Not far though; it's ceiling is only about six foot high," Cole replies, dread clear in his tone.

Cole is completely right about the pack being an utter disaster. Families are losing track of each other and yelling, others are running around carrying supplies and getting in others' way. It is just a mess.

"This is a mess," I state my thoughts, knowing I need to do something about this. If I don't, it'll be too late and there will be others left up here. Others that won't be as safe as those under the arena.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do. Come on, Hannah, before it's too late," Cole repeats, pulling me along faster.

I stop in my tracks, jerking both of us to a halting stop. "No. Everyone will be down there before I step a foot down those stairs. This is my duty, therefore I will do it."

He stares at me, and I know my words shock him. "Hannah, don't be ridiculous. Please, I need you to be safe."

"I will be safe, alright? We're just taking extra precautions, aren't we? It's highly unlikely they'll even think twice about the house above ground that hides us. Much less, find the door that leads down here," I point out. He's the one being ridiculous, not me.

Sighing, he nods, "Very well. I'll help you. You're not staying up here alone."

I smile triumphantly, "Yes sir." He just rolls his eyes.

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